My co-workers have been teasing me about watching MLP so in response to said teasing I went out and bought some of the toys and put them up at my desk. Sadly I do not have a camera to take a picture but below is an image of the set I bought.
Those toys seem like anorexic supermodels compared to the ponies I remember from my childhood. Wait, did I own a pony, or was it just my sisters? I can't remember.
Argh, curse my inadequate Internet access for denying me more episodes! But yeah, I'm lovin' and laughing my ass off at these episodes, and I'm still only at episode 9.
"But that rainbow one hit me..."
Here are a couple of GIFs I made real quick cause I was bored. Sadly since I am at work I had to use a free online program so they are not the best quality
You know, I'll watch it because I don't care what anyone thinks, but even I'd put it as a stretch to go "Hey office, I love My Little Pony! Come play with the toys on my desk!"
and since I am still a bit bored here are a few more gifs I made (once again I am at work and only have access to a free online gif maker so they are not the best quality)
Episode 2, 3: I really like the characters for the most part, and the show is at it's best when it's just being silly, but I'm already sick of the morals being shoehorned into this episode, and episode 3's story was the kind of non-conflict I'd expect from the old '80s version. I'm hoping that stops as the episodes go on.