So, a good while ago my 360 melted. It was just outside of the replace for free window (which was my own fault since I played it less and less due to the noises it was making before it finally died). I decided I would not buy another, because I am done rewarding companies for shitty, faulty hardware.
Anyways, a friend of mine gave me his old 360 since he now has 3. He won one in a contest as well as got one from Telus for signing up for some shit or other. So, he gave one of the new ones to his girlfriend and the old one to me.
I've had this thing for about a week. It red ringed. It's also outside of the 3 year period.
Anyways, a friend of mine gave me his old 360 since he now has 3. He won one in a contest as well as got one from Telus for signing up for some shit or other. So, he gave one of the new ones to his girlfriend and the old one to me.
I've had this thing for about a week. It red ringed. It's also outside of the 3 year period.