Call your mother, asshole!

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I had dinner with my mom :) but it was not a happy day since we just finish burying my aunt that same weekend :(
Sorry Chibs and MindDetective, that's really rough.

Talked to my mom on Mother's day on the phone and spent the afternoon hanging out with my fiancee's family for Mother's Day/ birthday for her mom. Not a bad day all-in-all. Got some fan-fucking-tastic BBQ out of it.
I didn't expect to see the word "fucking" in the mother's day thread.
Well, it is where ya came from.

My Mom is so cool. She went back home today while I was at werk. I get home to find a 12pack of Shiner Bock in the fridge with a note, Thanking me for the good Mother's Day and the brisket.

Wasabi Poptart

I got a very happy call from my parents yesterday. The place they were planning to go for dinner on Mother's Day had a line going out the door. She was starving after working at the store by herself all day and told Dad she didn't care where they went. He took her to one of their favorite gourmet places despite not being dressed for it. The $50 I sent covered her lobster tail dinner and drinks. Both of them had a great time, an exceptional meal, and there was barely anyone at the restaurant so they were seated and served quickly. WIN!
I called my mom and talked a while. She hasn't seen me in over 2 years since I havent been home from China in a while. Needless to say, it was appreciated.
I tried to call my a few times on Mother's Day, but her phone didn't even ring! It must have been off because it went straight to voicemail. WTF lame mom. >.< Worked until 6, got home to pick up Mike and we hung out with some of his family for a bit. <3

My mom's an oddball, too. We can't buy her gifts because she re-gifts anything you buy her. Even if it's something she likes, it ends up being re-gifted.
For example... one year we bought her $50 for InSpa. She was excited, but then 2 months later, "Oh, that spa gift certificate, it was Ling's (aunt) birthday and I didn't have a present so I gave it to her to use. I wouldn't have had time anyway, don't buy me anything."
Another year, she actually wanted a nice bluetooth, so that's what she got. But right after she received it (this was on Christmas), she gave it to grandma instead and said she'd buy a cheap one for herself later. >.>...
Flowers go unappreciated for the most part, cards are usually kept, but she just doesn't care for gifts. :-/
I hate, hate, HATE people like that. I bought the gift for YOU not your great Aunt Sally! Don't be so unappreciative.

Those same people are usually the same ones that will complain or sigh when they don't get anything.

No offence to your mom..I'm just thinking about my grandmother. ^^;;
She does that too, "my kids didn't get me anything!" Not so much in a whiney way, just jokingly for the most part. She's silly and awesome, but we just can't buy her things. Although sometimes she asks for an occasional Groupon! But only if she needs a second one because she bought one already...
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