[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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Rain of Steel:
Martial, Stance, Weapon, Personal
Minor Action
Effect: Any enemy who starts it's turn adjacent to me takes 1[W] damage (1d8+11) as long as I'm able to make opportunity attacks.

List of Items:

Adventurer's Kit, with extra rations
Light Shield
Climber's Kit
Yeti Fur Cloak
Bloodstinger Poison (lvl3)
Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
Amulet of Resolution +1
Shield of Speed and Evasion
Casque of Tactics (heroic tier)
Cincture of the Dragon Spirit (heroic tier)
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Rushing Cleats (heroic tier)
488 gp




Dagger (Main Hand)
Rhythm Dagger +1 (Off Hand)
Robe of Scintillation (At-Will: Radiates Light)
Yeti Fur Jacket (Resist 2 Cold)

Mysterious Medallion
Hempen Rope (50 ft.)
Rope (10 ft.)
Belt Pouch
Flint and Steel
Oil (1 pint) x40
Grappling Hook
Fistonian Family Ring (possibly cursed) valued around 500 gold.
Glass Cutter
Filter Mask
Salvitor's Journal

Gold: 689

I think I will play as Rathkor for now, but Ire should continue to exist in the world as I will most likely Go back to playing her as soon as Tyrdin kills me once again. Just saying, shouldn't take too long.

also, what XP are we at again? I know we leveled up, but i forgot the exact number we were at.


OOC, my favourite part is that in like half an hour in-game, Helga went from despising and ultimately attempting to kill the traitor and demon-consorter Tyrdin, to having the utmost sympathy for a man whose mother just died, abandoned his home, and now lost most of his posessions.

I guess sometimes you really DO get a second chance. ;)
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Rusty was rewarded by the gods with gold and trinkets.
Added at: 04:32
I think I will play as Rathkor for now, but Ire should continue to exist in the world as I will most likely Go back to playing her as soon as Tyrdin kills me once again. Just saying, shouldn't take too long.

also, what XP are we at again? I know we leveled up, but i forgot the exact number we were at.
5780 XP, and glad that you are sticking with Rathkor, that makes you super deadly if bloodied and next to Rusty. And you can also start retraining to get the infinite dragon breath :)

Adventurer's Kit,
Light Shield,
Camouflaged Clothing,
Chain (10 ft.),
Common Meal (2),
Climber's Kit,
Backpack (empty),
Everburning Torch,
Flint and Steel,
Grappling Hook,
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) (3),
Pitons (10),

Rusty has these but has no knowledge of them yet;
Dice of Auspicious Fortune (paragon tier),
Lifesaving Brooch +1

1346.80 gp

Level 5 power will be Stand the Fallen


We're at 5780 exp.

I'm really not in any shape to kill Rathkor right now, and unless the opportunity presents itself (which it won't in that way since you know about the lift now) I'll go back to plotting with NPCs and getting to be good friends with Rathkor on the surface. But I agree, Ire should exist in Jay's campaign's world.

I'm excited about the renewed RP opportunities though; I made a dumb move killing Rathkor when I did and I'm looking forward to seeing the character development have a second shot, like Tyrdin's friendship with Helga. I am destitute...

But man, that was Sylvaria's brooch. It's the only thing we have of her...

EDIT: I did awesome that battle, compared to the many times I've finished out only doing 13 damage.


Flesh Seeker Spear +1

Zero gold.

New Daily: Force Spheres. Four Force Spheres surround me; so long as I have one, I have +2 to all defenses. I may expend them to attack an enemy as a minor at range 20 and knock it prone.




I'm really not looking forward to going through with another Rathkor death, though I did get a bit of schadenfreude at the three of us mercilessly beating Tyrdin to a bloody pulp. just saying. but can we come up with some way for Rathkor not to have to go through this again? somehow? ionno


Staff member
Sounds like I missed a very interesting game. I'd actually kind of guessed that Rathkor might be alive in the "real world" since we didn't know how we'd gotten there.

Anyway, very sorry I missed it. I really wanted to make it, but way too many things came up. I had to fix my car's battery as it wouldn't start, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Pink Eye, had to fill the prescription, went to a glasses place since I can't have contacts in while treating it, was told I can't get glasses without a current prescription, which I can't get until I see an eye doctor, which I couldn't do today. So I went and looked for generics which didn't help, tried some friend's glasses which didn't help, and had to take something to my girlfriend at work. I actually had to cancel a meeting with a teacher today as well. Tomorrow I have to be at the eye doctor at 10 am to get a new prescription, wait around for the glasses to be made, and buy those, because I'm busy all Friday and Saturday, and I can't get a doctor on Sunday, and I have to be moved out of my apartment by Monday.

So blugh.

Sorry to have missed the session, but yeah.
Recap for Doom

The fight with the drow picks up right where it left off. A serious boss in the cleric with some support soldiers and artillery. Fight was good, Falagar and Tyrdin crouched in fear behind rocks and tried to avoid combat, Rusty and Helga raced right into the fray supported by Ire and Simkin. Simkin was revealed to be a bard/rogue combo as he healed Ire repeatedly. Helga fell to the blows of the Cleric of Lloth, but was brought back from death by Rusty. After finishing off the drow, we looted them and Rusty proceeded to break all of their necks.

We used the collected keys to go into the final room and found a succubus trapped in a ritual barrier there. She tempted the party with powers if we released her. Helga and Rusty opposed this greatly, Falagar looked at himself in a magic mirror a great deal until Rusty smashed it.

Tyrdin was drooling at the opportunity to be possessed by the devil, so Rusty, Helga and Ire slaughtered him.
Then Rusty broke Tyrdins neck.
Then Rusty looted Tyrdin of valuables.
Then he set him on fire.

Then Falagar gave the Rod of Folly to the devil and everything worked out OK.

We woke up in the temple all alive again and Ire was replaced by Rathkor. Tyrdin was naked. Helga now has tons of magic items, Falagars hands are normal and is missing the Rod of Folly, Tyrdin was naked until his good buddy Rathkor gave him some robes. Rusty gave Tydin a spear that he was holding for some reason. Tyrdin attempted to commit suicide by ordering Rusty to open his pouches like a common criminal. Rusty simply told him what he thought of being ordered around. We are still in the temple.

All PC's are now 5th level.
That's certainly one interpretation.
I wanted to leave the skill challenge description to those that participated in it.

As to my thoughts on the ending, if our actions in the dream world stay forgotten and have no further impact, then I don't like it at all. It comes off like Bobby in the shower and a waste of all our RP and efforts.

What I think should and I hope will happen is that our actions in the dream world start slipping into our reality and shaping our characters there. Rathkor becomes concerned over Tyrdin, Tyrdin starts to fear Helga/Rusty, everyone starts to believe Falagar regarding Magebears, etc...
Trust me when I say this, there will be impact, in the form of tiny comets flying across the skies to bring ruin to each and everyone of your realities. How and when is all a matter of time.

What happened in the dream world.... really happened. It's up to you to pick up the pieces OOC and to play accordingly IC.

Once everyone posts their LVL 5 character sheets and their items, I'll validate on my end and Salvitor's ripped journal sheet will be made available for viewing.

Nothing in my game, NOTHING happens without reason and all actions will be taken into consideration. Heck, I've allowed 2 murders to take place in my game and I didn't help you any. I like plots. I like twists. I'll make horses pretend to talk. Fear my game and fear those who you call "friend". Play your cards close to your chest and most importantly, nothing is taken for granted.

Fear my game and fear those who you call "friend". Play your cards close to your chest and most importantly, nothing is taken for granted.

The only person you can trust in is Rusty. He's a racist, zenophobic bloodthirsty warlord. But he is trustworthy.
Rusty is Helga's best friend ever, not that she remembers it. You're just that dude who rolled down a hill and into some yetis that one time. We have never been the world's most elite crimefighting duo.
Rusty is Helga's best friend ever, not that she remembers it. You're just that dude who rolled down a hill and into some yetis that one time. We have never been the world's most elite crimefighting duo.
Well technically not true. we fought the yetis and the plants and the gargoyles, but the only time HCGLNS+GUSTO ruled the battlefield was the yetis.

Also Rusty has it on good authority that Tyrdin donated his clothes and all his worldly possessions to the clerics to help feed the starving children. But only the non-dwarf children, that murdering horned headed bastard.
Last night when I was absolutely sure Helga was gonna kick it in the drow battle, I rolled up a replacement controller, a dwarven ice druid.
Lots of people holding onto their last surges, few hit points. I make my encounters short and hard hitting. The Cleric was a mini-boss with 60 something hitpoints. I like how they are turning out and thus far the dungeon crawls have come down to the edge.

Good idea would be to stock up on things.
I'd love to stock up on things, but my 947 gold is all in Rusty's backpack.

Rathkor: I'm just gonna play my character. If events curve one way or another, I'll play them as true. That's why I'm not having Tyrdin plot to light a fire under Rusty's bed while he sleeps--he has no idea if Rusty has any of his other missing stuff, and even if Rusty does, he has no idea if it was just placed there. He only knows Rusty is acting suspicious and cowardly, thinking he'll face Tyrdin's retribution if another item of Tyrdin's is found on his possession, so rather than be helpful, he pisses his pants and closes his bag. Hey, that's who Rusty is. We can't judge him for it.

I'd rather everything happened and we don't remember it, than we remember it as a dream and none of it happened. I'm 99% certain that succubus thing is going to come back and bite us in the ass.
He only knows Rusty is acting suspicious and cowardly, thinking he'll face Tyrdin's retribution if another item of Tyrdin's is found on his possession, so rather than be helpful, he pisses his pants and closes his bag. Hey, that's who Rusty is. We can't judge him for it.
How messed up is Tyrdins mind to draw that conclusion!
If so, I'm torn. I can only afford to get a level 1 weapon or armor, which doesn't really appeal to me. I don't really HAVE to get anything, since I'm currently equipping something magical in EVERY OTHER LEVEL-APPROPRIATE SPOT.

But I kinda want to just because I know it'll probably be a long time until the opportunity to shop comes up again.
Maybe it's just because I play in so many concurrent DnD 4e games but every once in a while, I ave a session that completely bores me on a campaign, or completely reinvigorates my excitement.

I am so excited for this campaign going forward that I've already chosen my 6th level utility and feat. :p


Dallas reference? Really HC? sigh.

anyway, the twist was kinda interesting. It give's Rathkor a second chance, as I really do have some cool stuff planned for him at later levels, assuming he lives to see lvl 6. lol
I decided to retrain one of my defensive bonus feats because after messing with feats for other characters, I started realizing what a waste just dumping them into stat points is.

So now I know Linguist twice, meaning Tyrdin speaks Common, Primordial (Tiefling benefit), Giant (Windrise Port benefit), Abyssal, Supernal, Draconic (from Linguist I), and now Elven, Dwarven, and Secret Language (from Linguist II).

I figure I'll never get to play Ajes again, and since Tyrdin's skills all lie in communication, this makes sense. I guess he picked up these languages from hearing enough of them recently, or seeing the Drow sign language for Secret Language.


So apparently the difference between villagers and PC's is that when killed in the dream world, villagers stay dead.
Added at: 12:10
Dallas reference? Really HC? sigh.

anyway, the twist was kinda interesting. It give's Rathkor a second chance, as I really do have some cool stuff planned for him at later levels, assuming he lives to see lvl 6. lol
Bah, you're not old enough to appreciate that reference.

Now please tell me you are retraining your feats to take the infinite dragon breath option :) Lets make Blazing Starfall a good thing.
That reminds me...

Jay, if we didn't retrain anything for a previous level, are we allowed to retrain to make up for that? Ex: I just retrained something for level 5, but I didn't retrain anything for level 4. Am I allowed to now do another retraining, having just gained a level, and it counts as my level 4 retrain? I'm looking at the retrain chart on character builder and it feels like that's the idea, but you're the DM, so I wanna know what you think.
Jay, will we be able to explore this town and barter for goods?
Absolutely. I expect a lot of shopping and bartering. Your characters are also exhausted, while you're all at full HP everyone has no more surges remaining.

Added at: 09:02
anyway, the twist was kinda interesting. It give's Rathkor a second chance, as I really do have some cool stuff planned for him at later levels, assuming he lives to see lvl 6. lol
Added at: 09:04
So apparently the difference between villagers and PC's is that when killed in the dream world, villagers stay dead.

Added at: 09:06
Jay, if we didn't retrain anything for a previous level, are we allowed to retrain to make up for that? Ex: I just retrained something for level 5, but I didn't retrain anything for level 4. Am I allowed to now do another retraining, having just gained a level, and it counts as my level 4 retrain? I'm looking at the retrain chart on character builder and it feels like that's the idea, but you're the DM, so I wanna know what you think.
As far as retraining goes, I don't limit anything as long as it doesn't procure you any advantages between extended rests. So feel free to do so. If I ever feel it is excessive, like I did last time, the fat lady will sing a song for me.
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