Does competitive gaming make you an asshole?

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So,I have rencently started playing League of Legends again and I noticed that people are assholes.Does not matter if you are winning or losing. If you lose,everyone is a noob.If you win,everyone is KSing.Does the sudden burst of adrenaline plus the anonimity of the internet
equal a total douche? If someone would berate me in Football for shooting a goal,like some do here in LoL AND they are on the same team as me,I would have punched him in the eye.
This reminds me of the old adage, a gentleman is someone who acts decently when no one is watching. You're not playing with people who are asinine because of their anonymity, they are just being who they really are inside. Find new players to play with if you can't abide those that you play with now.
You Barbarian!


Little update...
Just had a little %$§& who got so pissed cuz we wouldnt follow his insane ideas,that he started doing kamikaze runs towards the enemies so they could get extra gold for killing him. :/
It got so bad that even the other team tried to ignore and not kill him.
I don't get insulting the way a lot of people do, but I tend to fall back on my coaching/teaching ways when I am in a Battleground in WoW.


Going to say, without a doubt: No.

I played with a few professional gamers from all around the States. People who've won State, National and even competed in World Titles. The number of really nice, awesome players vs assholes was easily 20 to 1. I've also played with League competitive people on L4D, TF2, WoW, and CS. In each of those, the numbers fluctuated, but the asshole ratio was always smaller.


This reminds me of the old adage, a gentleman is someone who acts decently when no one is watching.
One of my favorite sayings of all time. Used to know where it came from, but I've forgotten.
On topic; This has come up many times in conversations with friends and family, especially the ones who almost live in front of their computers. While I've found that people on the internet/XBL/PSN/etc. (present company excluded of course) do have a tendency toward the lower ends of the spectrum of decency, it is by no means universal even if it does appear that way. Anonymity really is the most likely reason for people acting the way they do, and also why it irritates others so much. I liken it to people in traffic. One of the biggest reasons for road rage is not being able to put a face on the nameless jag off who just cut you off in traffic while driving like a maniac. Same thing kind of applies to the pubescent voice screaming in your ear to follow his lead, or the baritone gurgles of some porcine TF2 player demanding fewer "Noob Snipers". If all you have to go on is a fairly generic character (ala TF2) or a random avatar, you're not likely to have your desire to know who's taunting you sated, and it tends to temper your opinion in such a way as to make you distrustful or mistrustful of the other drivers/players.
I think Jiarn touched on something too: it's not that most gamers are assholes, it's that the assholes really stand out when you're playing. Let's say you join a server with 20 people (I dunno, TF2 or something). One guy spams the mic with annoying music, while another types obscenities IN CAPS every time he dies. The other 17 people are either quiet or cooperative, doing their best to play as a team. I guarantee the experience most people would take from that game would be, "Man, what's with all the assholes online?"
So,I have rencently started playing League of Legends again and I noticed that people are assholes.Does not matter if you are winning or losing. If you lose,everyone is a noob.If you win,everyone is KSing.Does the sudden burst of adrenaline plus the anonimity of the internet
equal a total douche? If someone would berate me in Football for shooting a goal,like some do here in LoL AND they are on the same team as me,I would have punched him in the eye.
LoL is a direct offshoot of DotA. If you've ever played DotA, you'd understand why the LoL is a bunch of fuckbags.
Gamer jocks. The insecurity of the frat male combined with the passive-aggressiveness of the traditional nerd. Fuck em.
Anything competitive amplifies anyone's assholeness, and most people have plenty of it in the 1st place...
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