WTF?!? Weird shit that happens to you (and other oddities) thread.

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So I put our old treadmill out for the trash today. Not fifteen minutes go by that someone in my neighborhood snatches it off the curb. I really don't care, except why would you want a rusted out, beat to shit; been sitting outside on my patio for a month in the rain, broken treadmill? Not to mention, I spent a half-hour on the sidewalk DEMO SAWING the handlebar off, and tying it down.

To top it off, the motor housing is full of rusted water that was dripping onto the sidewalk when I left it - someone's in for a rude surprise if they cart it into their living room.
I had a very old rear screen projection TV about 62 inches that was given to me by my father in law. It never gave us a clear picture and about every six months a component would go out costing us a few hundred dollars to replace. After dealing with this for a few years I finally broke down and bought a 55 inch HDTV and put the old TV by the curb so Best Buy could pick up. I get a knock on my door about 30 minutes later and some guy wanted the TV. I explained that it didn't work and even if he got it repaired the picture looked like shit. He didn't care and still took it. Of course he didn't have a truck so he just wheeled it down the road. One man's garbage is another man's . . . garbage.
I had a very old rear screen projection TV about 62 inches that was given to me by my father in law. It never gave us a clear picture and about every six months a component would go out costing us a few hundred dollars to replace. After dealing with this for a few years I finally broke down and bought a 55 inch HDTV and put the old TV by the curb so Best Buy could pick up. I get a knock on my door about 30 minutes later and some guy wanted the TV. I explained that it didn't work and even if he got it repaired the picture looked like shit. He didn't care and still took it. Of course he didn't have a truck so he just wheeled it down the road. One man's garbage is another man's . . . garbage.
I wish I was that guy. 62" fresnel lenses can burn concrete with proper application of sunlight.

There's actually a lot of stuff in older projection TVs (front surface mirrors, lenses, power supplies, etc) that hackers enjoy playing with.
When we moved out of the apartment we had a lot of shit we didn't want. All that crap went into the giant garbage bin the apartment complex shared. One of those things we didn't want was a back pack my cat decided looked like a great place to relieve himself. Constantly. Wouldn't you know it, as we are finishing up we noticed two guys with a scrap truck who lived in another of the buildings loading up their truck with half the shit we threw out. The best part was when they took that backpack. After sniffing it.


Staff member
I can't say who, because I swore I never would, but a member of my family stole a bulldozer from a construction site, drove it do his grandpa's house to roll over some chicken trees, and then parked it in front of the house with a sign that said "Is this your bulldozer? Call _xxx-xxxx_." He only got away with it because his family knew the contractor or something like that. That's pretty wtf.
My Bro had a crazy friend that did a little worse. He found a front end loader parked at a construction site, that had the keys in it.... and he knocked down the house that was under construction. It was just the frame, but that is still $10,000 + damage.
Never tell a child that he will not live to see 18...

Because they live everyday like it is the last day of their lives.

See above.
My cousin caused $76,000 worth of damage by breaking into area businesses, destroying computer records, finding the back-ups and destroying those, stealing a van and sinking it into a swamp.
This doesn't really seem to fit anywhere else, so I'll post it here.

I was watching the news and saw this story. The house shown in the video is right next door to a friend of mine. I found out today that several of my friends knew the victim really well. Had played D&D with him for years and the one next door moved into that house specifically because he lived there.


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My father was a thug when he was a kid. He did shit like this all the time when he was a kid. Basically, my grandfather was an abusive drunk, and my grandmother was (is) a space case, so he was all over the neighborhood from the time he could walk with no supervision. He stole wire and lumber from construction sites all the time and sold it for scrap. He broke into an airport once and just trashed the place from top to bottom. I remember him telling me about how (this was the late 1950s) the paper wind and course charts were in nice neat stacks in cubbies, and he just threw them everywhere because they were round like frisbees. He's lucky it was the 50s. After the terrorist hijackings of the 70s, 80s, and 00s, he would've be in Gitmo.
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