The crazy state race continues...

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Some local flavor. It's all worth the final sentence of the piece.
Replying to that final sentence: Then what's the fucking point?

And going on the thread from the critic, saying foster kids have enough stacked against them, let's look at what the idiot Caswell says:

And my dad, he did a lot of shopping at the Salvation Army,
Hey, shmuck. These kids don't even have dads. Fuck you.
Bahahahahahahahahahaha, Jan Brewer actually did something useful. The world really IS going to end in 2012.

Fuck Jan Brewer.
Ya know, Baer, I was thinking I would trade Governor's with you, but I'm not sure that would be in anyone's best interest.
Ugh... this is so scummy, and not just because it's being done to prevent a legitimate recall election. But I ultimately doubt it will do more than delay.
What really bothers me is all the money this will waste. So much for trying to save the state money (though I don't think anyone was fooled by that line).
What really bothers me is all the money this will waste. So much for trying to save the state money (though I don't think anyone was fooled by that line).
The state would only pay for the actual primary. The rest of it comes directly out of the pockets of the Democratic Party.
your contry is run by 2 parties that act like a pair of siblings that dont get along,dividing their room in the middle with a roll of duct-tape.
Yes it is, only these siblings are both responsible for 307 million people and would rather see the other kid move away than work with them.
I just read that article and I have NO IDEA what it's about. I'm guessing it's preventing people from selling non-big brand beers or some nonsense but they don't exactly spell it out.
Basically local breweries are no longer allowed to sell their alcohol to restaurants and stores directly. Now restaurants and stores can only get their alcohol from wholesale suppliers. At best it forces a middleman-type arrangement on independent breweries (which cuts into profits and raises prices), and at worst it will discourage/prevent independent breweries from distributing their alcohol elsewhere.
I foresee this getting over turned unless the same standard is applied to ALL products sold in the state. There's really no basis at all to deny that everyone should have to do it if Alcohol does and that would a monumental task.
Basically local breweries are no longer allowed to sell their alcohol to restaurants and stores directly. Now restaurants and stores can only get their alcohol from wholesale suppliers. At best it forces a middleman-type arrangement on independent breweries (which cuts into profits and raises prices), and at worst it will discourage/prevent independent breweries from distributing their alcohol elsewhere.
Maybe they should throw all the booze off a boat.

In Boston.
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