Asking about hours.

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First time I've ever posted a thread here but I figure this is worth a shot.
I'm a college student but since its Summer I got a part time job. I made it very clear on my application that it was only a Summer thing and I was looking for about 25-30 hours a week. I even restated this during the interview process at the risk of not getting the job. However, once I've gotten into the swing of things, I was getting 36-37 hours a week working 5 days. I can't say I really liked this but I didn't think it'd be worth it to say something. But the next schedule came out and I'm working a full 40 hours and 6 days that week. I know this probably makes me sound like a spoiled child but I really don't want to work that much and I thought I did a good job of letting them know that. On the other hand, I don't know if I should say something as its probably too late to get another job for the Summer and I'm in a lot of trouble if I lose this one. Think it would be a good idea to talk to my manager about my schedule, or should i just stay quiet?
If you don't have any other obligations during the summer, it might not be a bad idea to work those extra hours and save up the money. But if it's conflicting with other schedules, then by all means speak with your boss and see if s/he can work out a schedule that fits around yours.
I had to like all three of your posts. They speak good stuff man. I get, geeze, 20-30 applications a MONTH at my shop. People are dying for hours and money. Unless it's making your life difficult or you have prior commitments I would just rack up that cash brother.


Staff member
All of the above and...if you are getting full time hours but no benefits due to being "part time", talk to the managers about getting said perks. Either you'll get them or they'll cut back your hours, which you want anyway.
I have te opposite problem, were tere aren't enough hours to go around as my store continues to plummet in sales. I've asked for something like 20-30 hours, like you, but am getting like 12-18.

At least it's lighting a fire under my ass to redouble my jobhunt efforts.
I assume you're from Buffalo (USA). I based this off your Sabres avatar. I'm unsure how I can help you as a Canadian as the "culture" between the USA and Canada is VERY different in this regard and since I'm from Quebec, even more alien.

Where I'm from, whatever you state in your interviews are generally respected. If you were honest and stated what you were looking for (a part-time job) and what your limits were (in hours) in no way shape of form should you feel obliged to work more than you should. This is.... after all a PART-TIME job. Working 40 hours isn't part-time.

The fact that the majority of the posters posted positively toward the employer in this thread (even one going as far as labeling you a number) showcases the American culture of things all to familiar to those here in my Province and is generally mocked. For a land of the free, you quite obviously aren't when you have to do something you're not supposed to when all you want is a job.

I feel for you and it all depends on how much you care about that job. As a student you obviously have other things on your plate beyond working a shitload of hours simply because the employer treats you wrongly. However if the money is good, by all means.

Maybe you should continue your job search or put your foot down so that shit like this is accepted.
The fact that the majority of the posters posted positively toward the employer in this thread (even one going as far as labeling you a number) showcases the American culture of things all to familiar to those here in my Province and is generally mocked. For a land of the free, you quite obviously aren't when you have to do something you're not supposed to when all you want is a job.
Which thread are you reading? It ain't this one.
If you take Jay's advice, odds are that they won't do anything at all or that they'll write you out of the schedule completely, depending on how you bring it up. After all, they fill the schedule to suit their needs, not yours. There's nothing wrong with sticking up for yourself but be prepared for potential consequences.
Talk to them. You made it clear what your work schedule was. They hired you knowing what to expect. They will have either forgotten, or they are intentionally abusing your agreement.

Chances are good they simply forgot.

If you don't talk, they will continue to schedule you for more hours than desired.

If you do talk, then it's unlikely that they'll fire you - you've already shown them that you'll work long hours without complaint, and they already know whether you're a good worker or not. They don't want to have to try to hire another person that might not work out if they already have one person that they know will work out.

So talk. Either they'll say they forgot, and they will schedule you differently, or they will tell you that you either work the hours they give you or you quit. It's exceptionally unlikely that you walk in, talk about your interview and application, and they fire you on the spot. It's simply such a small risk that it's not work worrying about getting fired.

Also, if they say they will make an attempt to ease up on the schedule, find out when they make the schedule, and remind them just before they make the schedule. Complain if they don't continue to keep up their end of the bargain.

Also, know your labor laws. If they schedule you for 40 hours, you may be eligible for insurance, paid vacation, and other benefits. Demand it, and those hours will magically go down.

Yes, you can be a sheep as so many others have suggested.



Staff member
Agreed. Just as he said, they're either going to fix it or say that that's just the way things are. If it were me, I'd take the hours and save up the extra money, but there's nothing keeping me from doing that. Good luck. :)
Oh yeah, talk to them if you need to and they will probably help you out but man, I'm just saying, people are fighting for hours at places right now, let alone jobs... make money if you can and save it.
Well thanks for the advice, but my manager said something today that made it sound like they don't think I'm very good at my job. Definitely gonna keep my mouth shut now.
Well thanks for the advice, but my manager said something today that made it sound like they don't think I'm very good at my job. Definitely gonna keep my mouth shut now.
I say bullshit. If someone doesn't meet expectations they don't give them extra hours.

But I think the way you replied sadly makes me believe you'll simply going to endure.
Well thanks for the advice, but my manager said something today that made it sound like they don't think I'm very good at my job. Definitely gonna keep my mouth shut now.
Well, it could very well be that they decided to try to get you to quit rather than firing you by making you work more hours than you agreed to. But I know nothing about the job or the people. Some bosses like to play mind games with their workers as a show of power. If they really don't like you, you'll know sooner than you want to, so rack up those hours while you can.

Either way, good luck.
I doubt they have him scheduled for so many hours to try and get him to quit. Most employers will cut hours to try and get someone to quit. Plus why would they have him around more if they didnt want him around.
Blotsfan Id say something. Go in and tell them that you'd like to be working 30 hours a week. Then let them know you can work more hours than that if needed but from the start you thought 30 hours is what you were going to be hired for. The extra hours you are getting could be them trying to accommodate for someone who did ask and they just forgot you did or them being nice and trying to give you more hours because that is what most employees want. Just be nice and show you are a regular human being just like them and you will either get your request or not. It doesnt sound like you complain alot or make a ton of requests at work so one request wont change what they think of you as a worker. Just ask.
I'm pretty sure your boss is fucking with you so he can get you to work the hours you don't want to. Work the hours and quit four weeks before school starts.
It could also be, and he is still an asshole for not being honest about it, that it's either he has you work more hours than you want, or he hires 2 people to work less hours overall.
It could also be, and he is still an asshole for not being honest about it, that it's either he has you work more hours than you want, or he hires 2 people to work less hours overall.
All retail bosses are the fucking devil incarnate when it comes to scheduling. I can tell this is a retail job from a mile away.
It is walmart. I just didn't want to say that because I didn't want people to just make comments like "oh its walmart they're all the devil blah blah blah." However I decided to talk to a higher up manager than the ones I deal with on a daily basis. She basically said that she would try to cut back on my hours but can't guarantee anything. Not fired though, so I guess I'll take that.


When I worked at Kmart they were always telling me I sucked until I put in my two weeks notice. then they kept praising me. That was the worst job I ever had. It was completely demoralizing.
While I would rather have more hours than less, I get where you're coming from. Like Steinmen said, the U.S. Department of Labor has laws in place that entitle you to certain benefits if you are a full-time employee. Find out what Wal-Mart defines as "full-time" and proceed from there.

Best case? You might get some superpowers. Worst case? Some tumors, which they'll cut out of you.

... Sorry, wrong company.


Staff member
The main issue with where you are is that Wal*Mart doesn't really have to value its employees. There are hundreds more waiting to be hired. They hold all the cards in this case.
The main issue with where you are is that Wal*Mart doesn't really have to value its employees. There are hundreds more waiting to be hired. They hold all the cards in this case.
True, but if he is working full time he should push for the benefits.


Since you ARE working full time (40 hours a week is full time in the U.S.) then you are entitle to benefits. You are no longer consider to be Part-time anymore.
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