...of Mars

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Looks like they left out that part from the title...it's a shame that ppl think that words are what make something worth taking seriously...

Anyway, here's the trailer, look pretty good:



Staff member
I actually agree that leaving the "of Mars" out is a good thing. When ERB wrote the series (starting in 1912) it was not out of the realm of science to think that Mars might be habitable. Now we know better. So saying John Carter and showing a good trailer will bring people in. Saying, "John Carter, Warlord of Mars" and people will scoff or belittle the project.

You have to remember that although a lot of us here know the series, most people won't. They should NOT cater to we nerds as we are not the majority and it's a bad business plan, no matter what we choose to think.
Added at: 08:31
Oh, and if you are unfamiliar with it, here's a link to the Project Gutenburg text of the first book in the series, "A Princess of Mars".
Yeah Dave, that's what's sad...

And nerds are hardly any better when it comes to judging a book by its cover...
I am not familiar with the source either, but now I want to be.

What I'm afraid of is that should I read the source I will be sorely disappointed with the movie. Perhaps it is best to see the movie, then read the books.
I am not familiar with the source either, but now I want to be.

What I'm afraid of is that should I read the source I will be sorely disappointed with the movie. Perhaps it is best to see the movie, then read the books.
I usually do this. It let's me judge the movie on it's own better and also provides me with characters in my head when I read the book.


Staff member
For those of you who want to get to know the source material, my first post has links to the eBook of the first book in the series.
I was wondering why they are even calling it John Carter rather then Princess of Mars. Then I read up on it and found out that The Asylum made a version of Princess of Mars back in 2009. No wonder they decided to go with John Carter.
Actually you are... just like anyone who knows Superman is familiar with Hugo Danner etc...
Right, if you have any idea what early Buck Rogers was like, you know John Carter. The Radio, Comic, Movie Serial character was originally a John Carter rip-off.
While they don't need to call it "John Carter of Mars", I'm not sure what the point of calling it a name that absolutely no one who isn't already familiar with it will associate with any of the themes of the film is a good idea. "John Carter" is not exactly a name on the forefront of cultural osmosis.

It just reminds me of when they thought calling taking the "Star Trek" out of "Star Trek: Enterprise" was a good idea, because apparently "Enterprise" was guaranteed to bring in the non-SF crowd.
Ooof, the first trailer really benefited from the Peter Gabriel song, after watching the second trailer, that much is obvious.
No idea of the source... looks OKish...

But was I the only one who though she said in the first trailer... "Are you John Conner?"

I was like..... HERE WE GO
I usually do this. It let's me judge the movie on it's own better and also provides me with characters in my head when I read the book.
I actually prefer the opposite. I don't like having pre-defined characters in my head when reading a book. I like to build them in my head from the ground up.
If you want to read super-awful bdsm-related series (that's also a tad misogynistic) which shamelessly rips off from the John Carter of Mars base premise, check out any of the "Gor" books from John Norman. heh.
No amount of bdsm can save terrible writing. Just stay away.

Also, stay away from anyone who uses the phrase "Gorean lifestyle" in any serious fashion.
As fucking stupid as it sounds, after working myself in consumer research, he may not actually be wrong. I'd be really really surprised if Disney(?) hadn't done research on this topic, and the silliest little things affect purchase intent. I just worked a game research project where reported purchase intent among male gamers went down simply because the game had a female protagonist. Not anything in particular about her or her relation to the game, just that she was female. Seriously.

That said, there is also every possibility that he didn't do any research at all and is just talking out of his ass.
Wait, did I see the guy who played the villain from Dungeons and Dragons and Highlander:Endgame in there?

How does that guy keep getting work? He's just awful.
Never said he was wrong, just that girls are mentally inferior... ;)

replace girls with humans and i might even say it's something i believe...
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