I just don't get "movie snobbery" in general. I mean if you dislike a movie, fine. Some people take it too far though. Ex: I can't stand Transformer movies. I will sit and point out the things that I don't like about it. However I won't say it's "trash" or "I'd rather stab myself in the eyes than watch that movie". I also don't judge actors by comparison. Just because one is good doesn't mean the other isn't because he didn't act like the previous or later actor. Just doesn't make sense to me.
I think it depends. The second Transformers movie, for example, has absolutely NO redeeming value behind it. There are some movies out there that are total and complete garbage. Of course, I also like Kung Pow and Killer Klowns From Outer Space, so I don't have a lot of room to judge.
That said, I do make fun of friends who will pay money to see the Twilight movies. What I can't stand are these teeny-bopper girls (or like-minded adult women) who believe that "OMG KEWT BOYZ!" means it's a good movie. Ugh. Granted, there are hundreds of movies that use ridiculously sexy women as its only selling point, too. Those are the kind of movies I can't help but shake my head at. If a movie is going to be mindless fun, at least make it more than just ass and cleavage shots.
But yeah, I can't stand snobbery. I can't stand when people turn their nose to a movie or fully support a movie without backing it up with some kind of reason.
Added at: 18:26
Spider-Man 2 is still the best superhero movie.
Your opinion. Others would say the same of Superman, Hellboy, Dark Knight, Iron Man, Batman: Return of the Joker, All Star Superman, and a whole host of other movies.
I could say Mystery Men was a great superhero movie, too (which it damn well was) and better than Spider-Man 2 because it didn't have pacing issues. I'm sorry, but Spidey 2 drags on. Like the Transformers movies, it could have cut about half an hour of time and not lost anything.