What's disappointing about the re-origin is that I thought I had heard early reports that they were planning on doing the origin ala The Incredible Hulk: skip over it briefly, maybe in the credits, then get to the plot ASAP.
This is a key thing. If they "twilight" him up into a brooding, self-obsessed imbecile, that will actually piss me off. One of the greatest things about the character is how he dealt with the sheer insanity of trying to balance his super-hero life with his crappy living situations using humor and self-deprecation.But it seems like so far it's just cranking up everything I didn't like about the previous installments, specifically the overly serious tone. Lighthearted, wise-ass spidey is where it's at.
I'm glad you can tell this from a blurry bootleg video on a two inch by three inch screenEach flash of the hands and feet in the 1st person sequence had me thinking the costume visual effects look worse than it did 10 years ago.
I am glad you can tell by a 2x3 inch shakeycam trailer.looks awesome
fuck the haters
I'm not making specific observations about the visual effects. That's the rubI am glad you can tell by a 2x3 inch shakeycam trailer.
"It Stinks!"
Here's a better quality trailer, but you're absolutely right. The movie could end up being completely different from what the trailer is portraying.Again, it's really hard to discern the films true tone from a little bootlegged teaser.
Amen. Whatever his exact characterization, if he's not a mega-science-geek whose intellectual brilliance and curiosity is overshadowed by his social awkwardness, whether it's overflowing nerditity or emo-loner-whatever, they can go straight to heck. To heck, I say!He should be the nerdy klutz who is socially awkward and enthusiastic about science class.
And which point is trying to be made by seeing a kid drawing in class, aside from the fact that he's a kid, he's in class, and he's either distracted or bored? And better yet, what's the better way to make that point than showing him drawing?Also, cliche doesn't mean been seen before, it means overused to the point where whatever point was being made is lost.
Dude, did you not see the same trailer I did? Stop it at the 45 second point, where he's got his hood up, all bent over like Quasimodo and wildly sketching. That's fucking creepy. Creepy is about the last thing Peter Parker should be portrayed as.I can't even imagine how you came to the conclusion that he looks like "he's one of those psychopathic dark kids you'd see in a horror movie".
Yes, that's kind of what TNG was saying in the first place. Hence the Twilight comment.And it's a teaser trailer, that could very well be intended to draw attention from a different audience than that one that expects the typical Peter Parker.
It's 2.5 minutes long, that's a theatrical trailer. It's not going to be the only trailer, imagine, but it's very much a theatrical one. The TV ones will be much, much shorter.Just seeing and pointing out the massive overreaction to a couple (one?) very brief shots in what isn't even the theatrical trailer.