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Alright, let's discuss some games that caused you to throw controllers, have swearing fits and frighten those around you.

The bosses in this game? RAGE.

I think the only time I've ever nerdraged over a video game it was when my brother accidentally saved over my Final Fantasy 8 save.
FFT? Let me guess, you didn't level up your characters in random battles using the monk chakra trick did you? If so, bosses should have been a breeze.\

SGNG? Yeah, hardcore. I loved seeing the Let's Play of the 100% completion run.

Games that made me insane?
Battletoads (obviously)
TMNT NES (Getting to the last few bosses of the game just to die after hours of work? Yeah, I threw controllers)
Double Dragon NES (Machine Gun bastard....)
That's off the top of my head, I'm sure I'll flood this thread with alot more as I think them up.


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I think the only time I've ever nerdraged over a video game it was when my brother accidentally saved over my Final Fantasy 8 save.
That card game in FFVIII was amazing.

And yeah, Shego. Guilty. I would accidentally save over my game in one of those three-part fights. So if I wasn't prepared before the boss fight, it was tough luck. Final Fantasy games in general would drive me crazy with people saving over/other save issues.

Oh! Banjo-Tooie! Wagrble!
Fucking TMNT on the fucking NES. That shit was hard as fuck. And I was a little kid, I didn't have a lot of games. It was either learn to beat the difficulty, or go outside.

My choice was clear.


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Battletoads. TMNT (first one) on the NES. Second was a cakewalk once you learned the power slash and spammed it.

Basically, games with green characters in 8 bits. Yeah.


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The optional hidden boss in Illusion of Gaia (SNES). The rest of the game is a cake-walk, but I never could beat Solid Arm.
King's Quest III (PC)
The Rocketeer (PC) - the races were easy, the shooting stages are damn hard
Snake Rattle & Roll (NES) -couldn't even beat the game with a Game Genie

Other games like Megaman 2 (NES), Donkey Kong 64 (N64) and Double Dragon 2 (NES) were hard, but for some reason I enjoyed them anyway.


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I remember getting so pissed off at a Super Nintendo game back in the day that I slammed the controller on the floor over and over so much that it cracked. I felt bad and then I couldn't play anymore. :(
Resident Evil 4 on PC, but that's because it's such a shitty port.

Firstly, no mouse support, so you have to walk with the WASD keys and aim with the arrow keys.

Secondly, the port was so lazily done, the in-game controls all refer to a Gamecube controller. I shit you not. When a quicktime event appears, or even a "press (button) to continue" message comes up, it tells you to press something on a Gamecube controller, and then you have to try to remember which is the corresponding key on your keyboard.

Thirdly, there is nothing you can tweak. You get one graphical setting with one resolution, one difficulty setting, one controller scheme and that's it.
It's considered far and wide the worst PC port of all time, which is an achievement because there's a shitload of bad ones.


Staff member
Have you seen the AGDI remake of this game? They did a fantastic job of removing the idiotic frustration while keeping the overall challenge.
I'll have to give that a shot. My sisters and I couldn't even get out of the house with a walkthrough.
I played Wolverine on the Nintento. Wait, don't get too excited yet, it was awful, yes, but I was determined to beat it. I got to the end of a crazy tough game only to discover that the end boss wouldn't die. Ever. I counted the punches I made and Sabertooth just wouldn't die.
Megaman. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. Romancing SaGa - I to this day do not know how you were supposed to use certain characters. I made the mistake of picking the bard, went two screens north of the starting point, and was killed in one hit by a random monster.


More modern: I can't stand hearing pre-pubescent boys talking on any voice chat in any game. As soon as I hear one, I votemute him, or locally mute him. Something about hearing a squeaky voice say 'faggot' over and over again makes me want to fucking gorilla rage and punch him in the fucking throat.


More modern: I can't stand hearing pre-pubescent boys talking on any voice chat in any game. As soon as I hear one, I votemute him, or locally mute him. Something about hearing a squeaky voice say 'faggot' over and over again makes me want to fucking gorilla rage and punch him in the fucking throat.
Best game of Call of Duty 4 I ever had was when my buddy made a shit-talking thirteen year old burst into tears and log off.

For games that made me want to break a controller...I'd have to say Demon's Souls. I love the game, but being stomped to death in two seconds flat by the Tower Knight after spending over an hour getting to that point...Stockholm Syndrome on a disc.
For games that made me want to break a controller...I'd have to say Demon's Souls. I love the game, but being stomped to death in two seconds flat by the Tower Knight after spending over an hour getting to that point...Stockholm Syndrome on a disc.
Did you hear what the developers of Dark Souls have been doing the past few days? Apparently some Japanese players got their discs early and have been playing online... so the Devs have been "encouraging" them to wait till release date by personally showing up in their games with powerfully characters and brutally murdering them. I gotta say... that is perfectly in spirit with the game and I applaud them for being so creative about it.
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