Costume Quest

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So, I was talking to a buddy of mine who VERY STRONGLY recommended that I play this game.

As I value his advice and the fact I've got one week to kill till Skyrim comes...

I bought the game....

And it is... AWESOME

Seriously.... old school RPG with GREAT humor. Halloween based. It's so over the top but not in a way to turn you off... just... awesome.

Anytime you can tell your Statue of Liberty to heal everyone and watch an Eagle fly across the screen is beyond awesome.

Did I mention this game is awesome and worth the few bucks you throw it in it's general direction?
Yeah, I got this a few months back. This plus the expansion "Gibbons on Ice" is a lot of fun... I'd say it's at least 20-25 hours without the expansion, more if you get that. It's full of cute Halloween hijinks and Double Fine's notorious humor. It's definitely a tad on the easy side though and there is basically zero replay value.

I'd say it's worth ten bucks... it's kinda pricey for a market title, but it's highly polished and a lot of fun. They expansion ends on a cliff hanger, so I hope we see more of it someday.
It was on sale on Halloween for $5 and I picked it up because I remembered hearing great things about it.

Only an hour or so in (I started playing Bastion recently too) but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. :)


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Weird. I went right to their site and it only said XBox and Playstation. Guess I should have checked Steam.
I picked this up last year when it was first released on PSN. Played it Halloween night. It's now become an annual playthrough for me.
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I'd say it's at least 20-25 hours without the expansion, more if you get that.
I just finished the main game. In a little under 6 hours, and I got all the achievements. How did it take you more than 3 times as long?

I loved the game though. Costume Quest is a true gem. It doesn't do anything new, in terms of gameplay mechanics, but it's such a joy to play. I'm glad it was a short as it is, and I'm looking forward to playing Gibbons on Ice.
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