[Announcement] I always wanted to Love posts...

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Staff member
Now instead of just liking a post you can love a post and a bunch of other things. No, I did not put in "Hate" or anything else overly negative.
Added at: 08:37
How is that a grammar fail, JAY?!?


Staff member
The only extra flag I thought this board needed is:

View attachment 3950 Not sure if serious...
Added at: 08:51
Also how does this new bar on the bottom affect the "likes" recieved in the Avatar counter?
Being worked on. Looking into them now. They are SUPPOSED to mesh perfectly with Trophy points & stuff. I'm reading that now.
Added at: 08:53
Also how does this new bar on the bottom affect the "likes" recieved in the Avatar counter?
It is integrated with the Like system for Trophy Points. I just have some configuration to do. ;)



The only ones I do not like are not sure if serious (sorry evilmike), /thread (which is a comment that has always struck me as kind of stupid), and grammar fail. Although if it keeps people from feeling the need to actually post those things I guess it is better. That way there doesn't need to be a bunch of posts responding to the comment in the thread.

Oh Stienman is probably still going to want I commiserate.


Staff member
Does anything you click add to the Like count, or only the positive ones?
There are several metrics ."Like" is just like the "Like" of old, but also counts towards the positive response. There are also neutral responses (disagree, not sure if serious and meh) and a couple that are considered negative (old news, grammar and REALLY?!?). These show on the member card and I will be making trophies for them all.
Added at: 10:15
Oh, and even if you get a neutral or negative rating it still counts as a positive number towards your trophy points. So a negative reaction that hits a threshold (for example, the first negative response is worth 2 points) gets these points put on their trophy. There will be NO NEGATIVE TROPHY POINTS!
Doesn't show up on xenMinimal - might want to remove that style since it has other (minor) problems as well. I can go back to XenBlue.

The only comment I have that hasn't already been made is that while having more than one type of vote (like) is good, having too many is bad. For the following, yes, they're different, but is that difference useful or needed?

like, agree, and funny are largely redundant.

Meh and old news are redundant.

Not sure if serious and really, REALLY?!? are redundant.

I'd prefer a tighter small group rather than a bevy of options meant to cover most responses. Yes, you might want to say that you like a post but don't agree with it, but for nuanced communication, isn't it better to make a reply, rather than hoping voting gets your message through?

And come on - grammar? I know some people find it funny, but it could end up pushing some away, or making some avoid posting altogether if there's a built-in method for such badgering. We don't generally put up with grammar police, so why add it as a first-class feature?

And yes, an "I commiserate" or "I feel your pain" or "I wish you and yours the best in this difficult situation" or "Dude, that totally sucks/blows!" would be useful for at least me - I don't feel like anything I say will help when something terrible happens to someone - I am somewhat at a loss for words. But I do want them to know I'm thinking of them and that they aren't alone. So I rarely post commiserations, but I would use such a button.

Perhaps that's kind of like "happy birthday" on facebook though - so impersonal it doesn't really mean anything.

I dunno. Still lobbying for it though...
I only see like, disagree, hugs, love it!, funny, informative and REALLY?



ok after a few hours i am firmly in the not sure if want category regarding these things.


Staff member
So it's now been a week. What do you all think of them now? Still love/hate them? Do they still annoy you?
I don't like'em, but I can live with'em. I think they're mostly redundant and do little but offer visual clutter.


Staff member
I don't know... Really?? sort of say, "I can't believe you posted that". I want one that says I really have no clue what this means.
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