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The Jay Show proudly announces its "4th" and MOST INTERESTING interviewee ever... LittleKagsin.
Kindly note that this selection was taken completely at random... at no point or time did this host improperly consider this interviewee by any indiscernible advantages such as:
1. Nationality. Despite popular beliefs that some misguided posters may have, this host cares little whether you’re Canadian, American or whatever else you may have the misfortune to be. Except those with Spanish accents, I cannot easily accept you as the host cannot perform adequately if I am bothered with a perpetual and massive boner during the entire interview.
2. Providing us a “Kaggie”. (aka Dramatic Cosplay Acting) - *evil laugh*
3. Bribery of any form whether it would be physical, monetarily or a misplaced crate of Cheetos.
4. Promises of a “special prom night”.
5. Accessible “research and development” in the candidates online cosplay folder… nope, no access at all....nooope
As LittleKagsin is one of the most active interviewee candidates throughout the waiting period and such a cool person I’d love to hang out with, I think she’ll fit in very well with legendary previous candidates such as ThatNickGuy, LittleSin and Gusto.
This interview will be voice chat based and the format of the interview will be somewhat tweaked again for the 12 of you who still give a shit. To incorporate the addition of my sidekick’s questions and to reduce interview time, the questions will be cut down from 10 to 7 with less pre-interview questions. The sidekick will prepare 3 questions of their own.
Furthermore, for this interview, there shall be… pre-interview requests for additional entertainment that will appear in this thread. You will rue the day you applied for this interview LKS.
In the meanwhile the fine people of Halforums are encouraged to send me your discreet PMs and try to bamboozle LKS with your own special questions. The last batch of bamboozlers were impressive and I like how you folks have grown in the quality of your questions.
The interview will take place sometime next next week.
In the meanwhile, I'll continue "research" and expect some…. entertainment to appear in this thread.
Post away bitches.
The Jay Show proudly announces its "4th" and MOST INTERESTING interviewee ever... LittleKagsin.
Kindly note that this selection was taken completely at random... at no point or time did this host improperly consider this interviewee by any indiscernible advantages such as:
1. Nationality. Despite popular beliefs that some misguided posters may have, this host cares little whether you’re Canadian, American or whatever else you may have the misfortune to be. Except those with Spanish accents, I cannot easily accept you as the host cannot perform adequately if I am bothered with a perpetual and massive boner during the entire interview.
2. Providing us a “Kaggie”. (aka Dramatic Cosplay Acting) - *evil laugh*
3. Bribery of any form whether it would be physical, monetarily or a misplaced crate of Cheetos.
4. Promises of a “special prom night”.
5. Accessible “research and development” in the candidates online cosplay folder… nope, no access at all....nooope
As LittleKagsin is one of the most active interviewee candidates throughout the waiting period and such a cool person I’d love to hang out with, I think she’ll fit in very well with legendary previous candidates such as ThatNickGuy, LittleSin and Gusto.
This interview will be voice chat based and the format of the interview will be somewhat tweaked again for the 12 of you who still give a shit. To incorporate the addition of my sidekick’s questions and to reduce interview time, the questions will be cut down from 10 to 7 with less pre-interview questions. The sidekick will prepare 3 questions of their own.
Furthermore, for this interview, there shall be… pre-interview requests for additional entertainment that will appear in this thread. You will rue the day you applied for this interview LKS.
In the meanwhile the fine people of Halforums are encouraged to send me your discreet PMs and try to bamboozle LKS with your own special questions. The last batch of bamboozlers were impressive and I like how you folks have grown in the quality of your questions.
The interview will take place sometime next next week.
In the meanwhile, I'll continue "research" and expect some…. entertainment to appear in this thread.
Post away bitches.