The Jay Show - Interview # 4 - LittleKagsin

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Seriously, what the fuck?
I'm sorry, I thought this was the bamboozle with questions thread. I didn't realize it was the toss softballs thread. Ok, what's your favorite color, then?

Simple fact: If you own a lot of costumes, eventually one is going to be used for play time.
Haha! You're a stud Officer_Charon!

I'm planning on doing the video tomorrow guys!! Split in to two parts Cosplay Questions vs. Non-Cosplay Questions.
Starting the upload guys!! :)

Also, I'm not so sure why it sounds all fuzzy and whats going on with that..sorry. Anyone know why thats happening? (Derpie derp noob...)


Staff member
:confused: I've been pronouncing your name wrong this whole time. I am a terrible friend.

Anyway, Christa you are adorable. Enthusiastic and a little shy at the same time is a wonderful combination. Great job on the video, and I'm looking forward to part 2.


Staff member
More questions!

1. You've met some pretty famous cosplayers, but who do you most want to meet in the future?

2. What convention would you most like to be able to go to?

3. If you could join in with an existing cosplay group, who would you join, and what character would you play?


4. What movie is your biggest guilty-pleasure?

5. What game have you replayed the most?

6. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
Awesome! I love the piano, been playing since I was about 5 or so. Do you still play?
Not so much anymore, I don't have a piano. But I always play when I go visit my parents' though. I wish I had practiced better when I was taking lessons, I was kind of a horrible student. I'm actually hoping/planning on doing some cosplay videos with me playing the piano. Kind of like a cosplay music video or something.
damn sad I missed this, if jay is really done I will gladly take over interviewing duties...larry and me, we are masters of the craft.
Not so much anymore, I don't have a piano. But I always play when I go visit my parents' though. I wish I had practiced better when I was taking lessons, I was kind of a horrible student. I'm actually hoping/planning on doing some cosplay videos with me playing the piano. Kind of like a cosplay music video or something.
I was also an awful student. Played since I was young, really loved sight reading fun, new music, but rarely practiced. I haven't played in over a year now T^T but not by choice. No space for my baby. :( It's currently living at my aunt's giant house, so some day when I *d0* have space, I can have it back.
I didn't deploy, I am aiming for your house. My descent is from 120,000 ft AGL so I will be breaking the sound barrier when I hit.

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