[Rant] 21 Jump Street

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Had the misfortune to see a commercial for this tonight.

What in the fuck of shit? Had anyone involved ever actually seen the series?

Jonah Hill is no longer an actor, he's a cartoon. May as well change the title to Jonah Hill is Incompetent 20-something Fat Guy.
I think the only roll I've actually liked Jonah Hill in (as opposed to wanting to punch him in the face for his "comedy" acting) was Moneyball.


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Actually I think I liked that movie because I was a late 20 something that had given up that life and was in the process of becoming an adult.

Also the chemistry between those four (Jonah, the canadian, the big guy from how I met your mother, and the other one) is pretty exceptional. The hospital scene with him describing why he hates hospitals is hilarious, and the deleted scene where he is explaining why Brokeback Mountain is homophobic is also brilliant. A lot of that goes to the writer/director of course, but he definiteyl contributed.


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Apatow has a remarkably spotty portfolio. For every 40 year old virgin there's like 5 "You don't mess with the Zohan's". I would argue that his hits are rarer than his misses.

But yeah Apatow is in some ways this era's Wes Anderson. When all of your cooking is dominated by the same spice people get bored after a while, even if the dish is amazing..


Staff member
I mean, if we're counting his producer credits. Spielberg has a shitton of shitty movies where he's a producer.


Staff member
Yeah, that's definitely true. But if you're only looking a director credits Apatow has only done 4 movies (all of which are pretty good.)


Staff member
You should just keep your eyes shut really tight for the next couple years while Hollywood runs a train on all the safe known properties from the last thirty years.
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