[Gaming] Diablo 3 : Ser Farm-A-Lot

The best thing about the release of D3 is that it happens on my very last day of finals, so I can play the HELL out of that game.

pun somewhat intended.
Why is the Demon Hunter the only class where the female character gets high heels? Did they think she would feel inadequate due to her short stature or something?

The Barbarian's feet are too big for them, the monk and witch doctor have awkward postures for heels. The only other candidate is the wizard, really, and she seems to prefer regular thigh-highs. Maybe they wanted to go for a Bayonetta thing where she can bind crossbows to her heels?
I figured it would run counter to the Monk and Barbarian character design, and was not surprised to see them absent for the Witch Doctor, but I admit I was kinda surprised when I didn't see them on the Sorceress. I just wonder if it was a deliberate decision to leave them off the Sorc, which then leads to me asking why they kept them on the DH. After all, from a practical standpoint, it would probably be easier to model the character without them.

It's likely only one or two polys for those heels, so it's not a huge deal I figure. Blizzard does some of the most amazing texture work I've ever seen, which lets them keep the polygon count on pretty much everything in their games to a pretty low number. From a design standpoint, it's pretty awe-inspiring.
Blizzard art (and story, for that matter) has always been cheesy in one form or another. Doesn't make it any less fun, though.
if you look at the concept art for warcraft 1 it has always been there.
There's a difference between big pauldrons, like most fantasy art uses for some reason and the increasingly bizarre ones Blizz is using...

I mean the last two monk ones have more metal as part of one pauldron then as part of the rest of the armour...
8 more days guys! In the meantime, here's some experimental builds I made. Feel free to criticize or retort with your own builds!

- Barbarian: Lots of Fury generators to get up to max as fast as possible to support Berserker Rage, then use Wrath of the Berserker and continue to raise fury to extend it as long as possible for maximum murdertrain goodness.

- Witch Doctor: Mana-returning Spiders, Locusts and Sacrifice should hopefully support the Pierce the Veil increase, while Jungle Fortitude and Bad Medicine key off all the summoned creatures to make sure the threats aren't as threatening.

- Demon Hunter: Slow as many enemies as possible, then use Marked for Death and Rain of Vengeance to deal huge damage. Ideally, you'd use it with a bow to get the Archery increased damage, too.

- Wizard: Mister Freeze! Use Frost Nova, then blast them with the Hydra, Blizzard and Ray of Frost for huge damage. Make ice puns while you're at it. When you run out of Arcane power, use Magic Missile to quickly get back up to full and start from the top.

-Monk: Tank-ish monk. Start out with Mantra of Evasion and Mystic Ally, spend lots of Tailkicks and Dashing Strikes to trigger Transcendence, use Serenity when you're in trouble. This is probably the build I'm least confident in, as I can't get a good grip on Monk synergy.
From what I played with Monk, I feel like Tail kick won't be as useful once you get your hands on a nasty weapon or two, at least compared to using a Spirit generator like Crippling Wave as your AoE. Also, the knockback gets to be a bit of a pain in the ass when you're really ripping into a group. I think I'd try something like this instead: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/monk#WeYVjQ!gcZ!cbcZYY as a sort of support DPS. I'd probably swap things around a bit for soloing, but Monk feels to me like a really solid support/heal class and I'd likely play him as such, as opposed to a tank.
Of the two classes I got to play, the Demon Hunter looks like it would be the first one I would try.
I settled on this build, which looks like it will generate just enough AoE to be painful, while choosing 'reaper' skills to replenish resources as well as some fire-and-forget abilities to take care of people through the door/around the corner/on a different level.

The Monk looks like it might be my secondary, and this build tries to be an 'active tank,' stacking a number of things which make a Monk difficult to kill (resistance, healing) along with skills which keep Spirit replenished.

One thing I did notice with Monk is it's easy to burn up your Spirit without even noticing. I tried to take some passive regen and/or cost reduction without sacrificing too much in terms of good passives (I'm not sure if the 100 Spirit addition is worth it or not, will have to see how it plays with/without come live).
On top of all that, all bets will be off depending on what sorts of effects gear will have on these equations.

Also true, there's a chance that Monk-specific weapons/armor could improve Spirit regen or reduce consumption. Can't wait to find out!
Eh. Huge Diablo-nut, played both I and II too many times to count (I leveled 6 of 7 characters to level 95+ in single player in DII. That takes...Time. Believe me. But screw the assassin, I hated her mechanics), and III still hasn't got me quite as excited. The always-online means I won't be able to paly it for about 60% of my gaming time, so that's a bit of a downer, too. Raged about it enough all over, oh well.
We'll see. I'll probably be playing Wizard and Barb, mostly. Don't know my handle for the moment.
With four more days to go, the official strategy guide that comes with the CE has hit the internet. Noteworthy things:

- The Final Boss has 19.3 million hp on Hell difficulty, and a whopping 76.5 million on Inferno.
- There's achievements for doing certain things while not wearing any items, as well as clearing acts in <1 hour.

I'm excited guys! If you don't care about spoilers, go here to view everything, including Legendary & Set items, Item and Monster affixes, and a complete list of achievements.