Heh. No, I wasn't not posting because I was offended by the comments. I honestly had that hard of a time finding my post again
Yes, I meant I'm asexual, and no, not bisexual (and I'd prefer it if you acknowledge I'm a girl, not a guy
). There's been, as evidenced here, a lot more confusion about it than there has been prejudice against my orientation. I feel I've been fairly open-minded, and questions are always welcomed. Only my mom's reaction (saying "You're just confused," "It's a phase," and "I can't accept it" all without directly saying them) and my brother's (2 steps away from bringing the Bible into it) have really gotten under my skin.
Because of the lesbian content of Angels2200, I didn't visit the site, and anyone who's had a coming out experience (or has known someone who has could relate) knows that your mind plays tricks on you, thinking that somehow, some way, everything you do could eventually come to light. Quite far from the reality of things, but I feel that part of my thinking came from growing up in a conservative community and being involved in several youth organizations who don't have a history of acceptance and understanding. I still find myself occasionally avoiding looking at women I find attractive just because I felt people were judging me in regards to that for the past 15 years, but then I remember I'm out, and I don't have to think like that any more. My housemates and I have come up with the term, like admitting publicly you're homosexual is coming out of the closet, the term for asexuals is coming out of the hallway
All in all, that's the extent of my introduction. Looking forward to talking with everyone, participating in the craziness, and reading an Angels2200 comic in the near future.