[Gaming] Diablo 3 : Ser Farm-A-Lot


Staff member
So yes, they unequivocally use spyware to spy on your machine while you play. They assert that they do so only as it relates to the protection of their interests. Basically, you have to trust that they will stay inside the boundaries they themselves have drawn.

And hey, their interests are in making money, so anything to that end... Hey, I bet we can make money somehow off this guy's browser history, somebody's gotta wanna buy that...
And hey, their interests are in making money, so anything to that end... Hey, I bet we can make money somehow off this guy's browser history, somebody's gotta wanna buy that...
I don't think Google would appreciate ActiBlizz of trying to muscle in on their turf :p
So yes, they unequivocally use spyware to spy on your machine while you play. They assert that they do so only as it relates to the protection of their interests. Basically, you have to trust that they will stay inside the boundaries they themselves have drawn.
Ah so it seems D3 is going to be using the Warden Client. I have been using that in WoW for years now, but I had heard it was not going to be used in D3. I missed the part of the EULA that speaks about it, so looks like if Warden is not active now, it will be in the future as a method to stop bots and hacks.

I can concede how people would see it as spyware then.
All you people not buying it are missing out. I am clicking many things so that they die very fast. It's pretty great.
I've pirated games in the past. I've also purchased more games than likely most of the gaming population on this forum combined. Look at my Steam account. I should post pictures of my crates of old video game shit in my basement.
I have over 70 more games on steam then you, your point is irrelevant :p
The weird thing is if you look at our lists, under the all games tab, it says you have 154 where I have 138.

Where does that 279 and 208 come from?
The weird thing is if you look at our lists, under the all games tab, it says you have 154 where I have 138.

Where does that 279 and 208 come from?
Honestly, I have no idea why those numbers are different.

Either way, even if you had 200 more games than me wouldn't change the fact that by participating in software piracy, you're at least partially to blame for the current state of DRM in games.

For the longest time, the question of game piracy was "who does it hurt?". Well, we now have our answer. It eventually hurts the gaming community as a whole.
There's been DRM in PC games since there's been PC games. Hell, my favorite game of all time, Star Control 2, came with a huge star map.

Before you could play the game, you were given a set of coordinates and had to input the constellation at those coordinates. You lost the huge and unwieldy map, you couldn't play the game.


Staff member
There's been DRM in PC games since there's been PC games. Hell, my favorite game of all time, Star Control 2, came with a huge star map.

Before you could play the game, you were given a set of coordinates and had to input the constellation at those coordinates. You lost the huge and unwieldy map, you couldn't play the game.
And that still didn't stop pirates. My friend played the game with a big stack of xeroxed pages.
Battle hawks 1942 had the same idea.... Identify this plane.... You had to have the manual. Obviously with the today... It was made redundant.

So i assume that Adam, Poe and ash stopped playing while I was gone of course?
So i assume that Adam, Poe and ash stopped playing while I was gone of course?
I would play with you, but I played pretty hard the first few days and put aside life projects. I plan to start again this weekend once I finish some projects, if you want to hit me up.


Staff member
Diablo III has started to bore me. I'm not even through normal level yet. No, I have not played co-op yet. I figured the single player game should have been enough to hold my interest.
Battle hawks 1942 had the same idea.... Identify this plane.... You had to have the manual. Obviously with the today... It was made redundant.

So i assume that Adam, Poe and ash stopped playing while I was gone of course?
Look at it this way...

I can help you catch up really well now.
I haven't had the boredom problem yet with D3, but that's probably because the Diablo series fulfills a serious niche in my gaming. Diablo is the game that I play when I don't care about story and just want to crawl various dungeons and upgrade my gear. That's all that the franchise has ever been for me. I don't do co-op (though I might this time around since I actually have the battle.net service and "know" other people who are playing), I don't really care about the characters (except for Deckard), and I'm not really expecting anything other than "go to this dungeon, kill everything, rinse, repeat."

That being said, I have noticed a complete lack of ability to get into playing a new character class, other than my barbarian. I don't know if its a mechanics issue for the other classes, a lack of patience issue on my part to want to be doing massive amounts of damage but not having access to all of my skills and skill slots, or what; but I've tried the wizard, demon hunter, and monk and haven't been able to get any of them to level 10. I guess we'll see when I finish Nightmare if I want to take a break from the ever-increasing difficulty or just plunge right on into Hell.
That being said, I have noticed a complete lack of ability to get into playing a new character class, other than my barbarian. I don't know if its a mechanics issue for the other classes, a lack of patience issue on my part to want to be doing massive amounts of damage but not having access to all of my skills and skill slots, or what; but I've tried the wizard, demon hunter, and monk and haven't been able to get any of them to level 10. I guess we'll see when I finish Nightmare if I want to take a break from the ever-increasing difficulty or just plunge right on into Hell.
I have a similar problem, but that is because I already did that in the Beta. Right now when I play I just focus on my Wizard, and likely will open up to the other classes later.

Though I hope it never gets to the point I got with WoW though... 20 characters, 14 of them over 80 and 6 of them at cap make me one crazy altoholic.
I have a similar problem, but that is because I already did that in the Beta. Right now when I play I just focus on my Wizard, and likely will open up to the other classes later.

Though I hope it never gets to the point I got with WoW though... 20 characters, 14 of them over 80 and 6 of them at cap make me one crazy altoholic.
There's a 10 character limit, so unless you delete some of them, it won't. :p
With the race to 60 finished and the race to kill the last boss on Inferno done, the next big race I see happening are the race to have one of every every class at cap.

Though the ultimate challenge will be the people going for all the options just mentioned above, only under the Hardcore setting.
I've cleared normal with Monk and am about 50% into act 3 with a Barbarian, and I've had more fun with the Barb. Apparently, however, I'm in for some rough seas as I move into the higher difficulties with Barbarian.
Diablo III has started to bore me. I'm not even through normal level yet. No, I have not played co-op yet. I figured the single player game should have been enough to hold my interest.
I noticed you've been playing alone the entire time. It's way more fun with people, if only because Jay talks funny. Please join us next time!
I haven't had too many problems in Nightmare with the barb, as long as I remember to keep my DPS up and blend defense with regen. The things that kill you on Normal are still going to suck on Nightmare, those mainly being things that stop you in place. If I ain't spinnin', I'm dyin'. I have heard that it gets much worse on Hell, and is nearly impossible on Inferno; but we shall see.
Just beware, all of those elite mobs that have a special power, suddenly have two special powers on Nightmare. Frozen Jailer/Vortex is a bitch for barbs, as are Arcane Enhanced Jailer/Vortex, and Reflects Damage Vampiric.
Yeah, I find as a melee class, things that other people were complaining about (like teleport) mean jack all to me but I can get owned by stuff that drops things all over the ground and then roots me.
Generally getting locked down doesn't bother me too much, as I keep Leap on my bar to chase down casters (and those Goddamn wasps in Act II). I'm hoping I don't get stuck swapping to sword/board for the extra armor, but up into Act III on Normal so far having massive DPS has worked out well enough with the Templar soaking hits with me and healing (gave him a nice rare shield and 1h weapon).

I'm pretty impressed with Earthquake, I can see it being useful to drop when I get locked in with Wallers, or get swarmed or the like. Sadly I see it getting replaced by the final button 4 skill pretty easily for all the bonuses it provides.
And hey, their interests are in making money, so anything to that end... Hey, I bet we can make money somehow off this guy's browser history, somebody's gotta wanna buy that...
Kind of relating to what Bubble181 already said...Google recently tried to pull a fast one and step over their own line when they thought nobody was looking, and they got called out for it BIG time. They tried to claim jump to get around people saying they didn't want their data mined and it got them a ton of bad press, a big fat fine, and the hot breath of plenty of regulators sniffing out new opportunities. ActiBlizzion has a popular new product out there, it's true, but if some hacker/security researcher catches them with their hand in the cookie jar*, so to speak, their image among gamers will absolutely plummet, not to mention how the Press would rip them to shreds. I think that prospect is very likely to keep them much more honest than they really want to/could be.

*See what I did there?


Staff member
Actually I think they could be sued pretty seriously for that. The EULA itself only authorizes them to scan for certain program types. It doesn't give them carte blanche to root through your stuff (or to sell it, which I believe has to be explicitly stated).

Also folks, apparently the hacking was happening based on some glitch surrounding user ID's and public games. If you have played a public game before I would seriously suggest you go change your password immediately. I don't know if that will solve the problem, but it might. Either way though you should stop playing public games immediately.

And Dave, I'm not surprised that you find the game boring playing single player through normal mode. Normal mode is incredibly easy, and playing single player only makes it easier. All together that makes the game pretty boring. You should get into NM and start playing w/ Halforum folks.

I hit lvl 60 on my wizard last night and have started moving through Act 3 in Hell. The elites/Champion packs are ridiculously difficult. There have been a number of fights where my respawn timer went over 30 seconds. I'm pretty happy about this tbh, because what it implies is that there is a ton of room (and need) for improvement in my gear/build/skill. And from what I've seen there are a LOT of potential builds out there (and gear sets to go with it). D2 never really had this level of difficulty or variety, and I appreciate that D3 does. Hopefully I will hit Inferno sometime this weekend, but my girlfriend is getting back from her conference tommorow and I need to start behaving like a human being again.
Hell is hard as a Barbarian. I'm playing multiplayer with a couple friends, and towards the end of Act 4 on Nightmare I had to switch from a 2hander to 1h+shield in order to get past the bosses. I've stuck with it through Acts 1 and 2 on Hell, because if I'm not tanky I die in ~5 seconds to anything that attacks me or drops heavy aoe. It's a lot of fun, and really challenging, but it's also ridiculously punishing for melee who are trying to build for damage instead of survivability.


Staff member
You have to balance for both. There's an amazing thread in the barbarian's sub forum about how damage reduction works and how to properly balance ratios. It's interesting to read the HC forums as well, as people there play with MUCH higher amounts of vit/damage reduction and far less dps. Wizard builds up to a certain point almost always include a shield (which is incredibly rare in softcore mode).