[Webcomic] PVP Discussion



Nah, the biggest twist was that both Bernardo and Manuel Escalante were hallucinations brought on by Zorro's undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenia.
It turns out the sideways universe was created by the zorros so that they could remember their time together on the island, meet in a church, hug, and move on to the afterlife.


There are subtle hints in the director's cut that Zorro was a replicant the whole time.


Staff member
And to get back on topic, I'm really getting bored with this story line. I expected something like Tomb of Horrors revamped. Instead we're getting a corridor and a troll. Yay.

Also, Zorro didn't give a damn.


And to get back on topic, I'm really getting bored with this story line. I expected something like Tomb of Horrors revamped. Instead we're getting a corridor and a troll. Yay.
Yeah, there's absolutely no original or clever thinking involved in this dungeon. Kurtz either A) Doesn't care B) Doesn't want to draw anything special C) Is incapable of coming up with anything more clever than a trap door and a troll.

And Samuel L. Jackson caused a building fire, train wreck, and plane crash to discover Zorro.
Why do I get the feeling that this arc is going to end with a fight between Val and Skull because of her "anti-troll" tendencies??
Yeah, there's absolutely no original or clever thinking involved in this dungeon. Kurtz either A) Doesn't care B) Doesn't want to draw anything special C) Is incapable of coming up with anything more clever than a trap door and a troll.

And Samuel L. Jackson caused a building fire, train wreck, and plane crash to discover Zorro.
I thought the guy getting fused into a gel cube was a neat idea, even if the only real payoff so far has been a fart joke.
If he's trying to depict DnD as something that's fun to do he's failing miserably.

Also Zorro was the thirteenth Cylon model.