The newest craze for reading Garfield.

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I didn't mean that it was new I just meant that it had recently spiked in popularity again due to a post on Reddit. But I suppose the way I made the title would imply the other. Oh well I blame just waking up.
Wait. I'm confused, did we have this thread already? If I'm right at any moment someones going to come here and post how the random strips don't really work, followed by another post of Garfield without Garfield.
I *just* joined reddit like three days ago. Somebody is spying on me and reading my thoughts, then transferring everything I do/think onto pictures of penguins.
I wish there was a version of this that could do Garfield Minus Garfield. Seeing a randomized decent of Jon in to further madness would be quite satisfying.
I have no idea. I'd love to just find a decent news aggregator. I could do without pictures of kittens, non-stop memes, and never-ending questions about what someone should do in any given situation, how someone should feel about something, whether or not someone has the right to be happy/sad/annoyed/angry/etc. about something, or how to get over "teh greatestest love of my life."

Edit: And why is this post auto-correcting "t e h" without spaces to "the"?
Eh, I don't find these funny. In fact, they don't even make sense.

Personally, I liked the Garfield strips where they removed just Garfield's quotes. Then, Jon's descent into madness is even funnier seeing the cat's reactions to it.
Because then all I'd have is... huh... yeah, then all I'd have is a blank screen.
I dunno, sounds like if you'd unsubscribe from /aww, /pics, /askreddit, /adviceanimals and maybe /funny you'd mostly be set. Or maybe install RES and filter out stuff like imgur.

Have you delved into the smaller subreddits? There are tons of them that you need to manually subscribe to.


Staff member
What is this Reddit thing? I have never felt like a Luddite on the web before. I have shamed my nerdliness. Take my pocket protector and my English-Klingon dictionary.
Yeah, I've found the comments increasingly tiresome. Well, that's the internet for you. The victim shaming is new to me, though. Can't say I've seen a lot of that, or at least any that weren't downvoted into oblivion.
Funnily enough, I'm not subbed to /aww, /adviceanimals, or /funny; if I feel a need for some /aww worthy content I just head over to the Daily Squee on the Cheezburger network. I occasionally like /askreddit, but only occasionally anymore. The biggest issue I have is all of the way-over-sensationalized "news" headlines, which are then linked to right-wing and/or left-wing nutjob conspiracy theory blogs, but treated like they're the last verifiable source out there. I mean, did you know that FEMA, under the direction of DHS, has set up dozens of concentration camps throughout the country, and is just waiting for the word from President Obama to start rounding up Americans and locking them up?* Or how about that new budget bill that Congress just passed that strips away the right of any third-party organization to post congressional or senate bill text online?**

More and more these days I get annoyed when on one hand, the people posting news links are constantly bashing Fox News for being biased and sensationalized, and then the next minute they turn around and link to something like "" or Huffington Post, which recently ran a full-page article on a flamewar between two redditors (the fight between Shitty_Watercolor and who cares who else) - because that's high caliber news right there.

Though I did recently find a couple of really cool subreddits, so I'm sure I'll be sticking around if only to watch those; /militaryporn, and /warshipporn, both from the reddit sfw porn network.

*If you swap out the term 'concentration camp' for 'emergency disaster relief shelter' you might have more luck finding these places. You know, so FEMA doesn't have to rely on the possibility of finding a football stadium or cruise ship to house evacuees.
**Actually, the text of the bill said nothing about digital rights as they relate to the posting of bill text by 3rd party websites. The only mention of such an issue was in the committee hearing notes, where they discussed the exact opposite of preventing such a practice, and in fact discussed steps needed to put all bill and official communication text into XML format instead of PDF, so that it would be easier for 3rd parties to post the text online.
Added at: 12:44
Already done. Done. And done.

The bigotry, racism, transphobia, circlejerking, 'hilarious' novelty accounts and let's not forget victim shaming when it comes to rape is rampant in almost every corner of Reddit.

/r/askscience is the closest thing to a clean subreddit due to its heavy moderation.
Also, this.
Reddit is fucking horrible

Reminder it took a lot of work and convincing to make them shut down open, blatant child pornography reddits and reddits dedicated to sexual pictures of children who had died.
Reddit...Digg....4Chan.... Man, forums may be dead, but these social sites where people post stuff and then people reply to them really are popular, aren't they?

I never got that. Still don't. Just like you don't have a blog these days, you have a tumblr. It's....No, sorry. Can't do it.

I think the only attention I pay to Reddit specifically is to check out the front page. No subreddits. I have never had a bad time aside from the occasional "look how much of an idiot I am" threads.

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