Rugby player ruptures testicle, plays the rest of the match

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In the NFL you stop playing if you stub your toe. In baseball you stop playing for a blister.

This dude is a beast.
In hockey people have continued playing after losing teeth and sustaining considerable injuries... but this guy is a beast.
Rugby players are just terrifying specimens of humanity. American Football players may be bigger, but Rugby players are just sentient pieces of tire rubber.
In hockey people have continued playing after losing teeth and sustaining considerable injuries... but this guy is a beast.

Ryan Smyth, takes puck in the mouth. Goes down. Gets up. Gets stitches. Plays the rest of the game.

Smitty is a fucking Edmonton legend.

They even show them scraping his teeth off the ice.
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh sweet Satan I know I shouldn't be laughing, I know the guy who did this had mega level endurance and is awesome but its just too damn funny!
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