Recent content by Sara_2814

  1. Sara_2814

    [News] Face, meet Leopard.

    I looked up info on Van Orden and found this: The Sorry Truth About Rep. Derrick Van Orden. Basically, he's a psychopath.
  2. Sara_2814

    2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

    United24 has projects with specific fundraising goals, or you can generally donate to Defense, Humanitarian De-mining, Medical Aid, Rebuild Ukraine or Education and Science. They are also currently holding a raffle ($24 each) for 100 t-shirts that say "I'll wear the costume when this war is...
  3. Sara_2814

    2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

    From what I understand, it's more an expression of frustration than a direct insult, like in English we'd say "son of a bitch" under our breath if we're pissed at someone/something. Though I wouldn't blame him at all if he did use it as a direct insult, because it's an accurate description.
  4. Sara_2814

    2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

    The War Trump Chooses Timothy Snyder examines the shit show in the Oval Office.
  5. Sara_2814

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Yeah, that sounds a lot like mine. Aura and then the headache is sort of there lurking in the shadows. Sometimes it goes full headache and I need to go hide in a dark room for a while.
  6. Sara_2814

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Have you tried a beta blocker? i got put on one for blood pressure and it seems to have helped with my migraines, too (fewer/less severe). I get the "aura with headache" variety triggered by bright light, though I did once get the "brain freeze"--that was so weird. Good luck to both of you...
  7. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Everyone needs to contact their Senators and Reps about this! PLEASE!!!! Call, email, write a letter, send a candygram, whatever, just let them know that it is not at all acceptable to treat another leader like this--a leader literally holding the line for democracy in the world. This isn't the...
  8. Sara_2814

    [Brazelton] Gene Hackman

    Brilliant actor. So good as the conservative Senator in The Birdcage. And he's still my favorite Lex. And of course his brilliant cameo in Young Frankenstein. Basically just list his entire filmography.
  9. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    There's plenty they could cut: maintenance and infrastructure costs on military bases, DoD schools (Offutt AFB has its own day care--how woke is that?), healthcare and support for dependents (why should they get healthcare, they're not WaRriOrS!), remove all the DEI and woke from the base...
  10. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Whelp, I just completely lost it during a call to Senator Ricketts' office. Had a script written and everything, but as soon as the poor schlub answering the phone asked me for my "concerns" all the rage poured out. Like, I sobbed for a couple minutes after hanging up and I'm still shaking. Went...
  11. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    ... I wish I'd been able to go.
  12. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Bernie's Town Hall in Omaha on Friday. Spoiler: Unlike the recent Republican Town Halls, nobody was booing him.
  13. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Anyone know a necromancer?
  14. Sara_2814

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Just imagine if this passes, and Obama runs again and wins. Now that would be funny.