Recent content by Vrii

  1. Vrii

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    If I'm understanding right, Scopely is also owned by the Saudi government, so even aside from the gameplay impacts there might be reasons to want to walk away.
  2. Vrii

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    The bigger issue with Universes Beyond now isn't even that it's reference-slop entirely chosen and developed to milk as much money from casual Magic players as possible without concern for the rest of the ecosystem (and that was frustrating enough). It's that as of this year, all of these...
  3. Vrii

    [Music] Metal Thread

    Not entirely sure what to say about the genre of this - it has definite strong elements of doom and post-metal, plus a little bit of everything else! - but I am absolutely loving it.
  4. Vrii

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Yeah I know, your politics are pretty clear at this point! Just figured it was worth clarifying that it's even worse than if Trump had actually backed off of tariffs entirely for another month, which would itself be basically a non-starter given what happened last time he did that.
  5. Vrii

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Trump backed off some of his tariffs, after a phone call where he swore at and presumably threatened our PM, and Canada isn't immediately scrambling to reward him, yeah.
  6. Vrii

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Vance says that designating cartels as terrorists justifies military deployment (ie invasion). Peter Navarro says, out of nowhere and without anything resembling evidence, that Canada has been "taken over" by Mexican cartels. Anyone else doing the math here?
  7. Vrii

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I can't afford to smoke by any stretch of the imagination, but if I could "oh no, I might miss out on the hellscape of a future we're staring down" wouldn't be a very compelling argument to skip out on something that might make life more enjoyable now.
  8. Vrii

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Beta blockers are the thing that's kinda-sorta working for me (and treating an unrelated tachycardia!), yeah. I'm down from 3-4 full-blown "I'm going to alternate lying in the dark and sitting by the toilet waiting to vomit" migraines per month to something more like 2-3, and the average level...
  9. Vrii

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I'm in the process of trying to figure out a solution. After about a year I've managed to reduce the number and intensity by a measurable but not particularly significant amount, which isn't helped by the fact that some of the medication is just stupidly expensive and trying things out is a slow...
  10. Vrii

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Amazon has the rights to Bond now. Hope you're not expecting him to face off against anyone with politics Bezos might agree with ever again!
  11. Vrii

    [Gaming] Board Game Praise

    Nowhere near finished yet, but here's a picture of the painting I've been getting done, and one with a regular-sized d6 for scale.
  12. Vrii

    The Super Dooper Canadian Thread (now with 47% more Canadian Bacon)

    When someone says in plain language that they don't believe that the country they have citizenship in is even a real and valid country to begin with, I don't think there's anything cavalier about taking them at their word and removing that citizenship.
  13. Vrii

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    So I don't know how much coverage it got internationally/outside of Canada and some parts of the US, but the NHL just had a little mid-season tournament that involved the US team playing some games in Canada. Unsurprisingly, given the state of things, the US anthem got booed enthusiastically in...
  14. Vrii

    [Gaming] Board Game Praise

    I got priming weather!