[Brazelton] Twitter

Musk liked some real gross shit. People made fun of him for it on multiple occasions, therefore, feature removed.
I made a similar comment on Twitter, but literally every feature change or removal has been in reaction to something that personally offended Musk. Something that others used the feature to catch him, criticize him, or mock him.

Forget X. He should rename it "Musk's Fragile Ego Platform."


Staff member
Musk liked some real gross shit. People made fun of him for it on multiple occasions, therefore, feature removed.
Yes, but "Musk hid likes because he's trying to hide horrible shit" is completely different from "No one ever has a good reason for trying to hide their behavior", which was my point.
Posting this here because it's Musk related.

Saw one of these ugly fuckers in the wild for the first time yesterday:

I agree with what my brother said when I showed this to him:
"It looks like a video game car that didn't fully render."
Just discovered that Elon had another kid. With who? One of the executives at Neurolink. Are they in a relationship? Nope.

She was going to look into sperm donation but Elon convinced her to use his sperm instead because of his "superior genes". They already did this once before, with her having twins the first time.

Considering Elon IS HER BOSS, I can't help but feel this is extremely inappropriate, and probably at some level of coersion.
Sorry lady, no matter how much money he spends on hair plugs and plastic surgery, your shitty kid will look like this in his/her 20s.


There's no sugar coating it. He's not an attractive man. Anyone who's ever spoken with him in the last decade also knows he's not a particularly smart man. He's also not charming. Probably the least funny or creative person that has ever lived. I bet he's fucking terrible at sex too.

He is both lucky and rich though.

"Superior genetics"
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To me, that picture says, "I really want to be Grant Imahara when I grow up."
You never will be, Elon.
Give it up.

Sorry lady, no matter how much money he spends on hair plugs and plastic surgery, your shitty kid will look like this in his/her 20s....There's no sugar coating it. He's not an attractive man.
The amazing part is, with all that surgery and treatments, he's still fug as hell. Is it like, a Dustin Hoffman/Tootsie moment where no matter what they do, he's still going to be homely?
Honestly, I think he's just getting these women pregnant because his family is rich and they're banking on their kids getting a slice of that pie. It's the only way he gets anything in life, jobs, fame, etc. He has neither the looks, talents, nor brains to pull off any of this without a tremendous safety net.
I don't understand (yeah yeah, I do) why journalism is still treating X as if it's an "open, free" forum for "everyone". It's as much of a right wing echo chamber as Truth Social by now, with some small pockets of holdouts.
I never liked Twitter, but it became a sort of "go-to" worldwide. Now it isn't that anymore, and people need to accept that and get over it.
Yeah, saying it's the same as Truth Social is a gross exaggeration. It's bad, like you can't say "cis" without getting suspended while the n-word flies free.

But it still has a lot of good people still on there, criticizing the assholes posting their own nonsense. It's mostly filled with holdouts like me who are there to watch it burn.
this is real, had to uncheck it last night. setting doesn't show up in the mobile app. from desktop it's settings > privacy and safety > grok
In a similar vein:
reddit says they are doing this to keep from being scraped for AI training, but then allows Google to scrape them for AI training because Google pays them $60m for the privilege, so I assume there is some kind of message being sent here to the other search engines and crawlers. The more ethical ones, at least.

Like he's going to read 5000 1 page sycophant essays in one ketamine fueled weekend while tweeting 6000 times per day?

Oh, lol.