Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

I have few friends or anyone that cares for me. I had my phone on silent, and a friend randomly asked me to come over to watch a football game. I don't answer for a couple of hours and he sends a Frat Brother and an actual brother to check up on me because he thought I killed myself.

I don't know how I am actually showing my sickness/depression but a couple of my favorite waitress have asked me if I was OK like they were concerned parents.
Look on the bright side, apparently you do have people who care for/about you!
I, also, am glad you did not kill yourself, but I'm unlikely to invite you over randomly :confused:


Staff member
Still at the hospital. And until this morning we had no idea WHY! Fever gone and she’s had antibiotics. So why is she still here? Well, the doctor came in today about 10. Told us the scan showed a mass about the size of a golf ball on her kidney. What is it? No clue. Could be infected tissue. Could be a cyst. Could be an abscess. Could be cancerous. No idea yet but they really haven’t done any tests on it yet.

So here I sit. No idea what’s going on. Sleep has been in short supply. I’ve started the process of FMLA just in case.


Staff member
We're home. Still don't know what the mass is but she has no bacterial growth in her blood so they sent her home. She goes back in a week to see if the mass is shrunk from the antibiotics. If so it's all over but the billing. If not then biopsy to find out what it is.

Bottom line is this throws a real monkey wrench into getting my teeth fixed. The money we're going to have to spend on this will make it so that I can't pay for my teeth.
There was a guy with a gun at Folsom Field today and even though there were no injuries, having a kid going to CU Boulder, a college known as being 'woke' really just keeps me in a constant state of stress on top of all of the other things I have to worry about with my kids (My teen's gender/sexual identity, My son's autism/adult services) and family. (The fact that my extended family is generally pro-Trump, my dad was gonna retire this year and my mom early retired on disability because her back was so fucked, etc etc etc)
I sent Daisy to her forever home today. My work friend will give her a wonderful home with gourmet cat food, treats, and a warm place by the fire.

I remember finding her as a scrawny, frightened feral with two kittens. She desperately needed help. Over the next year and a half, she learned to trust people and became friendlier. I brought her home for just one week and she quickly shed a lot of her feral tendencies. She turned into a cuddlebug. Even my wife was coming around to the thought of adopting her. But we had taken Daisy in with the expectation that it would only be temporary. We knew my friend was prepping her house for the cat's arrival.

I know Daisy will have a good life. But right now I miss her.


Staff member
Frequently over the last month or so, I've been experiencing a bizarre phenomenon where I just... stop being able to think. My brain... just won't. Frozen. Stuck. Can't code. Can't play. Can't post. Can barely even just watch TV. Sometimes it hurts. Bad. I finally started asking about and researching my symptoms.

Oh, so this is what migraines are. They really suck.

Getting one means I can't do anything. I can't work. I can't engage in recreation, or read, or enjoy a show or movie. Also I can't sleep. I can just lie in the dark and suffer for 6 hours.

My mother used to get extremely frequent migraines. They would similarly incapacitate her. I was barely a teenager, I didn't understand. I thought they were just bad headaches. Now I'm wondering how big a factor they were in her suicide.
By the end of the first paragraph, I thought you were just describing Depression. Was not ready for the twist.
Do you know what kind of migraine? Hopefully you can isolate your trigger(s) (assuming it's not just "Stress, duh.") and can do something about it.



Staff member
By the end of the first paragraph, I thought you were just describing Depression. Was not ready for the twist.
Do you know what kind of migraine? Hopefully you can isolate your trigger(s) (assuming it's not just "Stress, duh.") and can do something about it.

Yeah, depression would be where things don't interest me or generate no joy. That's not what I'm experiencing... I'd really like to be able to finish coding, or watch anime. The migraines make it so I am incapable of doing what I want. They literally feel like I'm trying to push a boulder with my brain, unshielded by my skull.

I have a doctor's appointment next week.
Oh, so this is what migraines are. They really suck.
I'm in the process of trying to figure out a solution. After about a year I've managed to reduce the number and intensity by a measurable but not particularly significant amount, which isn't helped by the fact that some of the medication is just stupidly expensive and trying things out is a slow process.

I hope you have much better luck finding a quick, reliable, affordable solution than I have.


Staff member
I have a sneaking suspicion my trigger is caffeine.

Which really, really sucks.

Because I've spent the last Six years being a machine that turns caffeine into automation control code... but I feel like an engine that got too much nitrous and bent a rod, and now it won't turn over.
I'm in the process of trying to figure out a solution. After about a year I've managed to reduce the number and intensity by a measurable but not particularly significant amount, which isn't helped by the fact that some of the medication is just stupidly expensive and trying things out is a slow process.

I hope you have much better luck finding a quick, reliable, affordable solution than I have.
Have you tried a beta blocker? i got put on one for blood pressure and it seems to have helped with my migraines, too (fewer/less severe). I get the "aura with headache" variety triggered by bright light, though I did once get the "brain freeze"--that was so weird.

Good luck to both of you finding a treatment. Migraines are the worst.
Beta blockers and off label use of another drug have helped mine significantly. They’re still there, but mostly in the background if that makes any sense.

I still get frequent auras though.
Beta blockers and off label use of another drug have helped mine significantly. They’re still there, but mostly in the background if that makes any sense.

I still get frequent auras though.
Yeah, that sounds a lot like mine. Aura and then the headache is sort of there lurking in the shadows. Sometimes it goes full headache and I need to go hide in a dark room for a while.
Beta blockers are the thing that's kinda-sorta working for me (and treating an unrelated tachycardia!), yeah. I'm down from 3-4 full-blown "I'm going to alternate lying in the dark and sitting by the toilet waiting to vomit" migraines per month to something more like 2-3, and the average level of the not quite full blown but still shitty ones has dropped a bit, too. Triptans have something like an 80% success rate at resolving them once they've started as well, but at basically $15 a pill I don't end up taking them nearly as often as I'd otherwise like to.

I've got a follow-up next month to redo blood work and review everything, which might lead to trying something else but also might not if it's expensive - I probably need to bring up the possibility of applying for some kind of disability program, given that 4+ unpredictable, no-notice-possible days per month of a total inability to do any kind of useful work makes finding and keeping a job absolutely nightmarish.


Staff member
Is there the possibility this is just (or mostly) caffeine withdrawl?

It really seems to be the opposite. Over the last month or so I have come to notice that it happens more when I am really working hard under pressure and I'm drinking a lot of caffeine. They tend to sit in around 2:00 p.m. after I've had my third yeti full of MiO energy or so. Which is about 3/4 of a bottle of concentrate total.

It gets especially bad if I drink caffeine all the way till bedtime the previous day. If I stop drinking it around 3:00 p.m., it really seems to help.
Migraines suck... But if you get them after the equivalent of 9 cups of coffee before 2PM, you may have to consider your body might be telling you you're not 24 anymore.
I've had to cut back from ~15 cups a day to one or two max (and usually zero), and reading your post now sounds to me like an alcoholic complaining they feel dehydrated and have a headache if they've drank themselves into a coma the day before and have had more than five pints before lunch and they could handle that just fine 20 years ago in college.
I know it sucks, caffeine withdrawal is a bitch, but you might want to consider becoming a tea snob like me. Good luck.
They tend to sit in around 2:00 p.m. after I've had my third yeti full of MiO energy or so. Which is about 3/4 of a bottle of concentrate total.
Holy shit dude. Don't do this. That is too much. Like, seriously too much, this is genuine concern I'm having for you now.
Ok @GasBandit I've done some quick math.

400mg/day is considered the safe maximum amount of caffeine for most people. 600mg/day and more is known to cause long term problems.

In just the mio energy you are consuming, not counting any other sources of caffeine, you are averaging 900mg/day. That is seriously unsafe.


Staff member
Ok @GasBandit I've done some quick math.

400mg/day is considered the safe maximum amount of caffeine for most people. 600mg/day and more is known to cause long term problems.

In just the mio energy you are consuming, not counting any other sources of caffeine, you are averaging 900mg/day. That is seriously unsafe.
Surely you made an error somewhere.

(Goes to do my own math)


I had to stop drinking a second cup of coffee a day because my heart would start fluttering. I think your habit would kill me.
This is why it's a travesty that caffeine and Sudafed are the only legal OTC CNS stimulants on the market, and even then the second one comes with heavy restrictions.



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Naturally I'm still talking to the doctor about all this on monday, but here's hoping it's not a real migraine situation. I've gotten through today on less than 200mg of caffeine, though I'm about used up right now at 9:30 and turning in. I'm hoping to keep reducing how much I'm using until I'm back in the green again, but I know come tuesday I'm going to need to get some serious coding done and the temptation is going to be there to hit the turbo button. So I'm trying to drink as little of it as I can until then when nothing's at stake and I can just veg out through any caffeine hangover.
I had diarrhea this week. Took a bunch of Imodium at work Friday. Woke up Saturday hungry and thirsty. Like a big dummy, I ate a big breakfast, drank a large coffee and lemonade.

Imodium just makes your intestinal tract stop. So all the food and liquid had no where to go really. Except up. So I sit here with a 2 pound brick in my stomach from 24 hours ago.


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I am supposed to take a family vacation at the end of March but trying to get all the stuff done at work so that I can go and actually relax is proving to be impossible. It's causing more stress and I am not handling it well.
Exactly the reason that, when I worked at the radio station, I took zero of my 5 weeks of paid vacation every year.