Beta blockers are the thing that's kinda-sorta working for me (and treating an unrelated tachycardia!), yeah. I'm down from 3-4 full-blown "I'm going to alternate lying in the dark and sitting by the toilet waiting to vomit" migraines per month to something more like 2-3, and the average level of the not quite full blown but still shitty ones has dropped a bit, too. Triptans have something like an 80% success rate at resolving them once they've started as well, but at basically $15 a pill I don't end up taking them nearly as often as I'd otherwise like to.
I've got a follow-up next month to redo blood work and review everything, which might lead to trying something else but also might not if it's expensive - I probably need to bring up the possibility of applying for some kind of disability program, given that 4+ unpredictable, no-notice-possible days per month of a total inability to do any kind of useful work makes finding and keeping a job absolutely nightmarish.