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  1. Terrik

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    Broke my ankle on my right foot. Sigh.
  2. Terrik

    Milkshake Ducks - The official thread of falling from grace

    I like milkshakes, and I like ducks, but put them together.....
  3. Terrik

    Random Video Game Crap

    I mean, if it were that way, I'd probably be playing Dynasty Warriors and not Final Fantasy. And all the being said, FFXIV is the MMO that got me to play MMOs after I swore I'd never play another MMO.
  4. Terrik

    Random Video Game Crap

    Actually I lied. I unlocked the sage class, looked at my ability bar and thought "You know what? I like monke brain big healing" and promptly decided to level WHM to 90 instead. I'll do sage after I finish endwalker.
  5. Terrik

    Random Video Game Crap

    I've actually leveled up a WHM to 65 just to learn how to heal and was thinking of trying out sage next.
  6. Terrik

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    "...and Terrik is there." That's 2.
  7. Terrik

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    I matched with a residency program! I'll be heading to Cleveland for a year and learning some hospital dentistry too!
  8. Terrik

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    I'll probably be the only one who doesn't see a problem with this. First of all, it looks like it's part of an entire unit on the Trail of Tears, and item #10, at that, so I suppose it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that there's a prompt asking for a written perspective from the...
  9. Terrik

    Weird weather

  10. Terrik

    Weird weather

    Holy crap there's at least a foot if snow in my driveway
  11. Terrik

    [NFL] NFL Thread

    Bills are going to destroy Pats and I'm going to enjoy every minute watching it.
  12. Terrik

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    You're still there. That's why they're Ewoks.
  13. Terrik

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

  14. Terrik

    What are you playing?

    Skip the first game remake?
  15. Terrik

    Wanna do some 2021 Happy Dookmas stuff?

    Looks like I'm last (was drowning in Clinic), but much thanks to @David ! I asked for Star Trek/Star Wars related items and the goods were indeed delivered. I'm going to make carbonite whiskey cubes. Really great set of items. Thank you!
  16. Terrik

    [NFL] NFL Thread

  17. Terrik

    [NFL] NFL Thread

  18. Terrik

    [Brazelton] Bob Saget

    Whoa, that was sudden and unexpected.