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  1. WasabiPoptart

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    @stienman I'm glad to hear your kids were not seriously injured. Give them lots of hugs from Hawaii.
  2. WasabiPoptart

    New Picture Thread

    I took this pic near my house tonight.
  3. WasabiPoptart

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Was it your kids who got the 3rd degree burns?
  4. WasabiPoptart

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Does she have allergies? I snore like that when I'm having issues with mine (and I'm also fat which does not help).
  5. WasabiPoptart

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    Ooh I got an Alolan Vulpix and Grimer which I evolved to Muk! :) That Muk is so neat looking.
  6. WasabiPoptart

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    The office is on the second floor and no air actually circulates without the AC. One of my coworkers had her boyfriend get a few fans for us from WalMart.
  7. WasabiPoptart

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    The AC isn't working at my office building. It's like 80F (27C) inside and 85F (30C) outside. I can't think.
  8. WasabiPoptart

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I hear you can get one at Miracle Max's house. (The kids and I just finished watching this like 5 minutes ago)
  9. WasabiPoptart

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    You're so sweet. <3
  10. WasabiPoptart

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    I'm an only child and I do not have a good relationship with my parents. Worse with my dad than my mom, but she still drives me batshit insane. Some things I've talked about (ranted about) on here. Some I've kept to myself. @Emrys is one of my adopted sisters. I would love another. :)
  11. WasabiPoptart

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

  12. WasabiPoptart

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    Add Aussie, too, please! 1154 4514 2464
  13. WasabiPoptart

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    "Oh! I'm covered in liquids!" - things I didn't think I'd hear my son say until he was in college. (He was playing a video game and I have no idea what happened, but that was his reaction.)
  14. WasabiPoptart

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    Thanks! I added everyone who sent a request. :)
  15. WasabiPoptart

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    My friend went to Japan to visit family recently. He brought me back 3 cans of my favorite vending machine coffee. :D
  16. WasabiPoptart

    What, no Pokemon Go thread?

    7626 6415 2266
  17. WasabiPoptart

    I really hate jeans with pre-made holes in them

    I have a hard time finding comfortable jeans that don't have pre-made rips in them. I'm allowed to wear jeans to work on Fridays. I still need to look relatively professional though. Ripped jeans are the opposite.
  18. WasabiPoptart

    Wasabi's Whatever Thread (AMA and journal)

    Ugh. That would be so irritating, like it's her last jab at you.
  19. WasabiPoptart

    Wasabi's Whatever Thread (AMA and journal)

    So one of my aunts died today. Not a blood relative, one that married into the family. Before you give me hugs and break out the sympathies, I was not her biggest fan. She was a horrible human being with a black soul. I could go into details. but there is no need IMO. The reason I'm writing...