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  1. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    I think I've seen those at Don Quijote. They have green tea Kit Kats that are ok. Best thing? Strawberry Oreos!
  2. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    No, but I'd like to make some as an April Fools Day prank. I'd serve them to my mortal enemies! Or visiting forumites who have stayed beyond my 3 day threshold.
  3. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    I don't remember hinting about it more than once, but I also know my mind is like a sieve. I didn't find it creepy, but it was a surprise. Kind of like the first time someone said it right and I found out about Jocelyn! I've got my maiden name on my FB profile, so it's not exactly secret. I...
  4. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    OMG did you remember that from a long, long time ago? I think I posted it once. For anyone wondering, Thibault is my maiden name. Most people can't pronounce it unless they are French or watch hockey. Even people in my own family say it wrong. I used to get called Thigh-Bolt so much. /facepalm...
  5. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    Grade-wise I've done well this semester. I found one class to be boring because it was a review of everything I learned in my psych undergrad. The only difference was more of an emphasis on systems theory/ecological perspective. That worked to my advantage, though, because the professor assigned...
  6. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    It's not always beautiful weather. This time of the year it gets rainy which makes the ocean water dirty for a few days. It's really gross. Lily complains more than Noah. She's not as good at independent activities as he is. The place we moved to isn't as roomy and we don't have yard space...
  7. WasabiPoptart

    AMA: Wasabi Edition

    My classes are done. I've got some free time on my hands. That means it's time to jump on the bandwagon. Anything you want to know about me? Aussie and our kids? Hawaii? I'll do my best to answer.
  8. WasabiPoptart

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    I agree. Say no and don't look back. You are allowed to dislike someone who has treated you badly.
  9. WasabiPoptart

    Christmas 2015

    We watched Charlie Brown Christmas and The Polar Express yesterday. I made a half joking comment on Facebook last year or the year before about messages in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer that don't translate well in today's way of thinking. One of my older cousins told me I needed to stop...
  10. WasabiPoptart

    [Question] If you could forget something what would it be?

    Rome. I would love to go back there and experience it all again, but hopefully this time not with the flu/upper respiratory infection.
  11. WasabiPoptart

    Christmas 2015

    I don't want a bleached tree.
  12. WasabiPoptart

    Christmas 2015

    I did an underwater/beach theme this year.
  13. WasabiPoptart

    [Question] I don't like you, so AMA.

    Do you secretly like Snuffles in its many incarnations?
  14. WasabiPoptart

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    The casino was like that, too. No one took vacation during those weeks, but you could request either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day off. Everyone worked NYE/New Year's Day and if you called out sick you had better have a doctor's note or an obituary.
  15. WasabiPoptart

    [Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

    I want to poke it.
  16. WasabiPoptart

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Hawaii, we've had our ups and downs especially when it comes to bugs. I've adapted, so I thought we were all good. Now I have ants in my Keurig. Why, Hawaii? Why do you hate me?
  17. WasabiPoptart

    I've had 4 hours of sleep, so AMA.

    Lily might adopt it.
  18. WasabiPoptart

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I want to make an AMA so I can be like the cool kids. Since I'm at the end of the semester and my brain is mush, I want to name it "Don't ask me shit because I have no fucking clue," which kind of defeats the purpose of an AMA. Also, I'm really tired.
  19. WasabiPoptart

    I've had 4 hours of sleep, so AMA.

    Holy crap my house is so small now that the 4 of us barely fit! And it's an inflatable mattress, not bunk beds. Though we could probably set up a large tent out on the lanai. Bring purple Prince Snuffles