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  1. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    Can ignore my con roll there, was just verifying something. From the character sheet if you want to make a specific roll you can click and of the button + or - modifiers. Green is for skill checks, Goldenrod is for saving throws, Slate is for checks.
  2. Far

    Halforums & Halflings Chapter One: Cult of the Dragon Below

    Dejected by the woman, if understanding, Brenlin continues. "Bard! I hear the care in your song, please! Bolster our ranks and our hearts with your music!" He directs the call now to a young flame-haired woman who sings of his request, rather than to the general crowd.
  3. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    The only roll I see in the log myself for Beira is a custom 20, if that helps.
  4. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    I've found I need to refresh sometimes to get it to appear in the log when rolling in chrome.
  5. Far

    Random Video Game Crap

    All of his criticisms are true and I felt them as well. I've still loved doing cat things and being a little shithead. I think, for me, while it has it's failings it does something VERY well that a lot of games struggle with. It lets you play, not play it, but PLAY. That's not always the aim...
  6. Far

    Halforums & Halflings Chapter One: Cult of the Dragon Below

    Brenlin sees that Slapdash is preoccupied and handling the dwarf girl well. He steps a bit forward and makes a plea out to any passersby. "Please, good folk of Ringbrair, is anyone stern enough, courageous enough, even desperate enough for a hot meal, and company enough to throw in with us...
  7. Far

    What are you playing?

    You can be downed but it's not graphic necessarily. Your screen goes redder as these blobby parasite like creatures attach themselves to you until you eventually drop from there being too many. That looks like the below on screen. And there are a few scripted moments in game that I've come...
  8. Far

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    "I am a member of the Imperial Sausage on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."
  9. Far

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    "Shut down all the sausage mashers on the detention level!"
  10. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    The worst I find is if you own the physical version of the books, you have to rebuy it all again if you want to use it in beyond. I know this was a by-product of DDB being owned by one company while the books were published and owned by another but at this point, they've merged. Figure it out...
  11. Far

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I have since purchased 3 more, they're a lot of fun, if time consuming. The people that say it took them 7 hours are either lying, didn't sand any "sprew" connections down or didn't paint the exposed edges cause mine was closer to 12-13.
  12. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    One question I did have, as I'm a bit unfamiliar with play by post games. Is it better for me to take an action and assume you'll want a roll for it preemptively and make that roll in the initial post then await your call on the outcome? Or should I be describing my intent, you then come back...
  13. Far

    Halforums & Halflings Chapter One: Cult of the Dragon Below

    "Were I able to help you know I would have the first day. I fear if I went looking on my own, we'd need a second search party. But perhaps with assistance from our curious friend, and some others, we can make a go of it eh?" Brenlin peaks through the now slowly dispersing crowd, hopeful, then...
  14. Far

    Halforums & Halflings Chapter One: Cult of the Dragon Below

    While Brenlin works his way through the crowd, he hears a third voice now join the ruckus. Upon reaching the inner edge of the gathered group, he sees what he had feared, Eropall, a Cyresan refugee, again being harassed. Any other given day Eropall would take it in stride, ever the optimist like...
  15. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    Yeah I just posted mine for reference here so we don't need to go back and forth, or if anyone is observing and wants to see under the hood, but we should all have access to the log that says the same. I believe DM rolls are hidden? I see only player rolls myself.
  16. Far

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I bought and built a little book nook kit and feel accomplished cause I can follow basic instructions.
  17. Far

    Halforums & Halflings Chapter One: Cult of the Dragon Below

    While basking in the sun nearby the town square, busying himself with smoothing down a fallen branch into a crude if functional crutch for a gentleman he had seen the day before, a hunter-green dragonborn is alerted to a commotion in the direction he'd seen the troubled man. He hears the...
  18. Far

    What are you playing?

    Yeah, it does, that was my video. That's why you see me take a half second to get used to that and run into the pillar :p. It's honestly a great game just to explore and play around in, independent of being a pretty engaging physics puzzler.
  19. Far

    What are you playing?

  20. Far

    [Gaming] Halforums and halflings?

    Brenlin Norixius, the Life domain Cleric. *Except imagine that's a viol, not a lute. This would technically be more accurate though not as polished. Brenlin is a green dragonborn and current devote life domain cleric, using his faith...