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  1. Mathias

    [Movies] Star Wars Ep. VIII has a name...

    I think the Clone Wars cartoons are considered canon too.
  2. Mathias

    Your Favourite Halforums Moment(s)

    Holy hell. When did Photobucket become ad popup, slow as hell to load cancer?
  3. Mathias

    Your Favourite Halforums Moment(s)

    I think he was being used by a woman for gifts and money, and he fell for it hook line and sinker. Edit: That was Mav
  4. Mathias

    Your Favourite Halforums Moment(s)

    This might be taboo, but the Union thread where Mav tried to start a union at his call center job still cracks me up to this day. Also the one thread where the guy turned out to be a pedo and didn't even realize it that started the "She was really mature for her age" forum meme. Classics.
  5. Mathias

    Common knowledge things you learned late

    metal music is called that because it's harder than rock.
  6. Mathias

    [Informational] Dave's Quest for History

    So, Dick gets a double Maury whammy. He IS/IS NOT the father. I think he's allowed to do a half breakdance move at this point.
  7. Mathias

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    But he knows hacking guys. He's got top people working on it. Top men! Anyone notice how Trump is self-proclaimed great at everything? Reminds me a lot of the Kim dynasty in North Korea.
  8. Mathias

    Full hard brexit. But at least its red white and blue.

    My oh my how far the stupids have come. Wait? Does that still make them stupid, or is it a stupids in high numbers thing?
  9. Mathias

    [Informational] Dave's Quest for History

    Wait so your positive test confirms that someone else is not a biological kid right?Also. No Maury dance for Dick.
  10. Mathias

    [Informational] Dave's Quest for History

    Nice, Dave. Glad you found closure!
  11. Mathias

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    But Widow is emotionless. That's like her entire story arc.
  12. Mathias

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    Oh I know about the controversy. All I see on Tracer is a leg meeting a lower back.
  13. Mathias

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    What ass? Widows got dat booty.
  14. Mathias

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    Tracer over Widowmaker?!?!? Really!??!?
  15. Mathias

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    Healed as Ana last night during a competitive match in Hollywood. Other team couldn't get past the corner to Spawn A because I parked as Ana right by the elevator (with a Torb SG built). Rest of the team bunched around the Roadhog and Dva (other two were a Mei and Gengi). Just kept spamming...
  16. Mathias

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Gold is his fetish? Which I suppose is why he gets super pissed the most if anyone makes him out to look like he's worth less than what he claims.
  17. Mathias

    [Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

    I was playing Lucio the other night and the fucking Widowmaker kept spamming for a heal. Yeeeeahhh... I'm going to give up healing the 4 folks on defense keeping the point from getting contested to skate away and heal your spider ass across the map... Riiiiight.
  18. Mathias

    Creepy 30-Something Dude Hits on Teenage Barista, Gets Banned, Throws Fit

    How did I miss this? Being older (i.e. having more telomeric shortening due to age) does not mean you won't give your partner cancer. How the fuck does that even work? The only conceivable notion of this I can entertain is children fathered by an older male might have a HIGHER risk of cancer...