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  1. Chippy

    tell eljuski i love her

    You loved it.
  2. Chippy

    tell eljuski i love her

    Never come here. This is Halforum.
  3. Chippy

    What's your political compass reading?

    It's a known fact that Moderate voters are afraid of the moon.
  4. Chippy

    tell eljuski i love her

    Shiiiiiiiiiit dats in a week gat dam.
  5. Chippy

    tell eljuski i love her

  6. Chippy

    Gif Thread w/ rules.

  7. Chippy

    tell eljuski i love her

    juski when you gonna let me tap dat ass?
  8. Chippy

    PS3 the minority here?

    My PC suits me just fine.
  9. Chippy

    The Lion King... IT'S REAL!

    Sorry I'm late, but LATIN TEMPAH
  10. Chippy

    Good Cosplay Thread - Part 2

    Looks like Kim Gordon woke up and said "I want to be a draenei today."
  11. Chippy

    New Forum Rule

    Just go all Steve Wiebe on his ass.
  12. Chippy

    So uhh..

    Well, with HP and the original HF I just changed it to look exactly like Image, so it all seemed the same to me.
  13. Chippy

    So uhh..

    This. I leave for a day and you guys CHANGE EVERYTHING GAT DAM
  14. Chippy

    Videos You May Have Forgotten About:

    Oh God. THAT show...
  15. Chippy

    Stop: Vader Time.

  16. Chippy

    Stop: Vader Time.

  17. Chippy

    Canada Trip

  18. Chippy

    I'm so proud.

  19. Chippy

    Canada Trip

    She's not going to fuck you. M'kay. Job's done for the day.