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  1. IronBrig4

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    We knew it was a distinct possibility especially in the first trimester. I had been mentally preparing for it so it wouldn’t come as a shock. Still, it sucks. We had a miscarriage. These past few weeks were happy ones. We had been talking about how to turn my study into the baby’s room. We were...
  2. IronBrig4

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Seeing Giuliani giving up so many of his prized possessions has given me a massive hit of schadenfreude.
  3. IronBrig4

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    While most young people support Harris, there is a gender gap. Only a plurality of young men support Harris, and 38 percent support Trump according to the NY Times. The "epidemic of male loneliness" might be a factor. Too many young men feel that the world has turned against them. Trump tells...
  4. IronBrig4

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    We had a pregnancy scare over the weekend. We seriously thought it was a miscarriage, but the ultrasound showed it's still there. This is the first trimester and we know it can easily go either way. I'm aware of the biological processes involved and I know it might not last so I've processed the...
  5. IronBrig4

    [Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

    I blame Jason Statham and the Kingsmen movies. Sometime in the 2010s, chavs and other lower-class louts became trendy in Britain. With that came the Cockney accent's rise in popularity. Peaky Blinders did something similar for the Birmingham accent. I miss the days when characters spoke in...
  6. IronBrig4

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I was busy today with work and a pregnant wife. However, this also marked my late kitty’s “gotcha” day. We’ve moved forward over the past year and a half but it feels like something is missing in our house without her in it. I guess I just miss my friend.
  7. IronBrig4

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    If Vance said Trump won the 2020 election, then he would just confirm all the suspicions that he's a conspiracy nut. If he said Trump lost, then a mob of white trash would be gunning for him.
  8. IronBrig4

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    I'm starting to think that maybe a lot of leading Republicans were kidnapped and replaced with pod people. It's hard to imagine a non-autistic person being that awkward all the time. In fact, I know a lot of autistic/OCD people who can hold a conversation and read a room better than Vance can.
  9. IronBrig4

    [Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

    Blended I know it's pretty old. I think it's also the third film that Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore starred in together. The humor is juvenile but that's what we've come to expect from Sandler movies. It made me laugh and that's the whole point of humor. Not every joke has to come from The...
  10. IronBrig4

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    I'm on Public Student Loan Forgiveness. Right now my loans are in limbo because the courts have put the SAVE payments on hold. Regardless, another six years of payments and I'm home free. I'm so glad your loans are no more. Not to steal your thunder, but I also have an epic win. The wife and I...
  11. IronBrig4

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    It's just like what Texas and other Southern states did during Jim Crow. They would impose literacy tests, poll taxes, and intimidation to keep black voters from registering or casting ballots. It wasn't because these white Southerners were racist, of course. It was "to ensure election...
  12. IronBrig4

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Paxton is a crook who is able to stay a free man because enough Texas Republican legislators stand by him out of solidarity and cynicism. They're afraid of being primaried out if they impeach or even contradict him.
  13. IronBrig4

    [Movies] MCU: Phase 5 - To Kang or Not to Kang

    I remember the New Avengers comics with Sentry learning who he is. They show him a bunch of Bronze Age comic books featuring him and even bring in one of the comic book writers. And then the combined Fantastic 4, X-Men, and Avengers hold the Void back while Emma Frost breaks into Bob's psyche...
  14. IronBrig4

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Robinson's comments go well beyond weird. What's downright disturbing is that most white North Carolinians will nevertheless cast straight Republican tickets in November. They will shrug off Robinson's scumminess because he's pro-life and abortions make baby Jesus cry.
  15. IronBrig4

    What are you playing?

    I’m trying to beat Fallout 4 once and for all. It’s becoming hard to do that because of the bugs, bugs, bugs, BUGS. Bethesda games are such buggy messes.
  16. IronBrig4

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    At the HBC I teach at, I'd say that probably 10% of my students are first or second-generation immigrants. They tend to be from Nigeria, Ghana, Jamaica, and Haiti. I like having them in my classes because their parents are super pushy about education. They're always among my best students. I...
  17. IronBrig4

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    We're about a month in to the new K-12 school year and the wife is at a different school. It's quite a lot better than the last one. She doesn't seem to have kids who are little serial killers in training this year but there are some problem children. She's patient with kids and that's why her...
  18. IronBrig4

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    That man is completely out of his mind.
  19. IronBrig4

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Apparently you can’t even call to order pizza without speaking to a call center in India. Papa John’s is outsourcing there now. I’d much rather speak to a ditzy high school student because at least they’re not reading from a playbook.
  20. IronBrig4

    *sighs, turns over "DAYS SINCE LAST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA" sign to 0*

    And they had been evicted before. Maybe they could have paid rent if they hadn’t bought so many goddamned guns.