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  1. phil

    [Thread Game] What would you swear on?

    Maybe my VHS copy of Empire Strikes Back
  2. phil

    Official Goblins (comic) Thread

    I forgot when Ears lost some fingers.
  3. phil

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    I do feel it more in the head of that makes sense. Do you feel any more at ease? Calm?
  4. phil

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    For me it can be 30 minutes to an hour. If it's been that long and you don't feel ANYTHING I'd try some more. Some people just plain don't get high off edibles.
  5. phil

    Biden 1st term

  6. phil

    [News] US Capitol Siege 6 January 2021

    Would like to shake the hand of the person who made this
  7. phil

    [Announcement] Happy 2021!

    If I try to open @blotsfan post my browser crashes. I love it
  8. phil

    [Announcement] Happy 2021!

    So it begins
  9. phil

    [Contest] When will I get the COVID Vaccine?

    4/20/2021 Me on the other hand? Texan and poor so....hoping by August
  10. phil

    [Webcomic] The Order of the Stick thread

    They went into a different instance than Roy and crew! It was an MMO the whole time!
  11. phil

    [Thread Game] #Whamageddon 2020 - WHAM HARDER

    Oh man, I might just make it this year. Work is mostly safe because we listen to more pop there. We do work the week of Xmas though and one of the managers might insist on Xmas music. I haven't been at side job enough to know their stance. They usually have tv on while they work and so long as...
  12. phil

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    So in the last two days my wife has willingly left the house with me both days to do things. This is wild. She came with me to take our surviving dog to the vet and again with me today to the hardware store for a project we were working on. Even while working on our semi-complicated project she...
  13. phil

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    It was weird because on the one hand I was aware I was high and that this was really silly to even suggest this. But I still just had this sinking suspicion that something was up.
  14. phil

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    Did mushrooms for the first time today. Holy shit what a good experience. I was so certain I was in the afterlife and it was so calming and nice. Luckily my wife didn't trip *quite* as much as me so it was nice to be able to bounce these ideas off her and have an anchor. I'm hoping that the...
  15. phil

    [Thread Game] Post the punchline, just the punchline, to your favorite joke

    Three guys get captured by cannibals. Two of a demographic you don't think that highly of and the third guy is of one you like in an endearing way like "haha man those guys are kinda different and weird" The cannibals tell the captives that they are going to be eaten and their bones and skin...
  16. phil

    [Thread Game] Post the punchline, just the punchline, to your favorite joke

    A Rabbi, a Priest and a Whale walk into a bar. The Rabbi says to the bartender: " I would like to order some kosher wine, so that I may reflect on the teachings of the Torah in quiet contemplation" The Rabbi gets his wine and is in his way. The Priest says to the bartender: " I would like...
  17. phil

    [Thread Game] Post the punchline, just the punchline, to your favorite joke

    *imitation of whale noises*
  18. phil

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    I don't think he's lying to get out of a debate. If he wants out he'll just say that Joe is too rude to him. He might be lying to say it's not a big deal and order everything to go back to how it was and outlaw masks or something. Maybe masks are making it harder to identify protesters?
  19. phil

    [Brazelton] Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    I mean...could they even rush someone in before the election? Like...they stalled for a fuckin' year when Scalia died. Dems just need to buy a few months if Biden wins.
  20. phil

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    This magnificent dog has been by my wife's side for the last 10 years. Without her, I don't think my wife would have made it through all the crap she's had to deal with. A little bit ago we thought she was having some normal hip/joint pain. After x-rays from the other day we now know she has...