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  1. phil

    [Contest] Super Bowl Squares!

    Oh the games over I guess. *checks my squares *checks the final scores
  2. phil

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    I guess some special snowflakes need their safe space.
  3. phil

    Hey, a music video thread!

    I IS a fun video.
  4. phil

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Ok so we'll regulate guns and revoke abortion and weed regulations. Deal. All hail god emperor trump.
  5. phil

    Supervillainous 355

    I mean....What's the worst that could happen?
  6. phil

    [Movies] Star Wars Ep. VIII has a name...

    I feel like you'd say 'the last of the jedi' in that case. Like, the last jedi feels like we're talking about one person.
  7. phil

    [Movies] Star Wars Ep. VIII has a name...

    Really it should be called return of A jedi.
  8. phil

    [TV] The Flash

    You had me at musical episode.
  9. phil

    [Movies] Star Wars Ep. VIII has a name...

    I mean, they can keep Luke around IMO. If taking down the First Order and Knights of Ren was a single jedi job, Luke would have done it already. It's not unreasonable to assume that he'll need help or just not be in his prime after hiding out for so long and take more of a backseat role...
  10. phil

    Netflix's Voltron

    It's back! IT'S BACK! FUCK YO COUCH IT'S BACK! Season 2 is here! Easily the best thing to happen today!
  11. phil

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    UUUUUUGGGHHHhhhh.........i wanna see power ranger. FUCK. I hate that I want to see it.
  12. phil

    Official Goblins (comic) Thread

    Maybe if Fumbles recently leveled up and takes a level in a healing class?
  13. phil

    Your Favourite Halforums Moment(s)

    I liked the truth or dare thread. We should do that again sometime.
  14. phil

    What's your 2016 New Year's Resolution(s)?

    I guess to be more specific by tv I mean watching Netflix and youtube and stuff all the time. (He said while watching twitch )
  15. phil

    What's your 2016 New Year's Resolution(s)?

    I think I just want to be more active. I've started dating a girl and we've been reserving Mondays for hikes (weather and health permitting) and I'm hoping to expand on that as the weather gets more stable. I'd like to maybe do at least one overnight hike this year. Now that I'm in a stable...
  16. phil

    [Food] How Much Pizza Do You Eat?

    3, usually and then maybe some of the cheesy bread.