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  1. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad looks up at the dwarf woman "If I could have a word with my compatriot before we set a price, it would be appreciated." He turns to Erythro and whispers. "There are six of us, so probably 100 gp each would be the most I'd like to owe anybody at this point."
  2. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad looks at the dwarf. Putting on his best smile he says "We have come into possession of a former tavern called Trollskull Manor. We intend to bring it back to its former glory. Unfortunately It is in need of some repairs and we are investigating sources of funding to facilitate said repairs...
  3. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad replies to the guard, "Enough to get a local public house and inn in working order."
  4. grub

    Post Something Bizarre About Yourself

    I don't even bother going to Timmy's anymore. McDonald's has way better coffee. Or Starbucks if I feel like something fancy.
  5. grub

    Post Something Bizarre About Yourself

    Nope, I'm on decaf already.
  6. grub

    Post Something Bizarre About Yourself

    Tim Hortons coffee makes me snarky. I know it's terrible coffee, but that's not why. I think it's something to do with additives or them not cleaning after descaling or something. Anyways if I drink it I get very cranky and snarky.
  7. grub

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    My prices are terrible this week so far. I won't know today's for a few hours once I get home
  8. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad looks at the guard and smiles, "We are looking for assistance in a business venture. We heard that someone here may be able to help." (Persuasion if necessary 17)
  9. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad shrugs "I've got no real plans today," and follows Erythro.
  10. grub

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    She leaves at noon
  11. grub

    Nintendo Switch Thread

  12. grub

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    What kind of turnip prices are y'all seeing? I'm at 71 this evening.
  13. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    "Has anyone seen Charity recently? I'm gonna go find her." Brad heads to the second floor in search of Charity.
  14. grub

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    Thanks again Dei
  15. grub

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    I've only got apples and oranges, I've gone to like 10 other islands and still nothing new.
  16. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad grabs the map and climbs out of the attic (STR check 15). "I found a map! Anyone familiar with the underdark?"
  17. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    "I don't trust that guy. Noone gives a house like this away, unless they are trying to get rid of it. I had a brick of coal self ignite on me upstairs. Best I could do is sing it a song, but I'm not sure if it will help."
  18. grub

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I know a couple farms in the Chilliwack BC area are looking for butchers.
  19. grub

    [Other] Halforums Heist

    Brad signs