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  1. phil

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    So my friends and I played an arena run together. We agreed on the class (mage) but then we covered up the deck list and mama curve graph and each took turns picking cards. After that we each took a turn playing one turn at a time. It was so much fun. We actually got 5 wins out of it. I wish...
  2. phil

    The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

    Went to oktoberfest yesterday. Kinda boring but drinking in public is fun!
  3. phil

    Is beer an acquired taste?

    The weather had started to cool, which in Texas just means 80ish, so my family and I went camping. We got to the camp site at about midday and set about making camp. Once we had everything in place my mother reminded us that we have to get fire wood for the next few days. Now keep in mind that...
  4. phil

    Official Goblins (comic) Thread

    My suspicion has been that Kore might be undead. I think that plus curse would explain Forgath's reaction.
  5. phil

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    But I wanna read hawkeye nooooooooowwwwwww But yeah I love my Comixology app. I've been catching up on Ms. Marvel which is still 2.99 which is just at that price of me wanting to read whats been a really fun story vs my comics budget needing to be not that high.
  6. phil

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Yeah, I mean I could but I don't like piriting stuff in general. I could maybe wait for the TPB on one or two but but I don't want to go 6 months between stories on some. Maybe I could drop The Walking Dead down to that status since it's progressing at a snails pace anyway.
  7. phil

    What do you say to Facebook friends that post shit like this?

    Just gather your facts with documented sources and present your argument as clearly and concisely as possible. Haha! J/k. Just trim your Facebook to the 10 people you actually give a shit about and take comfort in the fact that statistically this person probably doesn't vote.
  8. phil

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I want to read more titles by Marvel but I don't want to $3.99 read them.
  9. phil

    Give up Brees for Peterson?

    Really I was just looking forward to my glorious week three when I could take Ray Rice off my bench.
  10. phil

    Give up Brees for Peterson?

    Well, fuck.
  11. phil

    [Question] are eggs good or bad?

    Gaston eats 5 dozen eggs a day and look how jacked that guy is.
  12. phil

    Is Destiny as cool as the commercials make it look?

    I looked at a game play clip and it looked pretty boring. A group of people was trying to take down a boss, but even with everything going on it just seemed kinda meh.
  13. phil

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta) Don't know if this has been posted yet. Good for when ya need your fix. On the other hand it's sad to see the cards I need vanish into not my collection. Come back, knife juggler!
  14. phil

    [PC Game] World of Warcraft: Catch All Thread

    I made like 150 gold off of silk cloth alone. A stack of silver ore went for 35. I couldn't believe it.
  15. phil

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    Yeah I guess in retrospect it wasn't that big a risk. I got lucky with it a few times with it hitting exactly what I needed it to.
  16. phil

    [PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

    4 arcane missile as my only 1 mana in arena #yolo Broke down and bought some packs though. This put a smile on my face!
  17. phil

    Hey, Gang.

    What could he have had a problem with? Bumble is fun. Bumble is happiness. Bumble is love.
  18. phil

    It's not rocket science people!

    Dave just doesn't like good things. It's ok. Some people are just monsters. DS9 > TNG > TOS > SW > Just about anything else > Voyager > Enterprise
  19. phil

    What is the worst part of your favorite movies?

    But there aren't two supermen. Superman is immune from the time travel effects. In fact, Superman is not going back in time at all. Superman is sending the rest of the earth back in time instead.