The girl that sits next to me comes in on the weekends and SHE ATE ALL of my expensive and delicious sugar free cookies ; _ ;
I hate her today ¬¬
I was bored and a little stressed last night so I took pictures.
I started simulating a burka and ended up being little Red riding hood.
and then little Red riding hood AND the little wolf. n_n
...I think she's a little embarrassed by me heehee.
and the next picture Calleja is going to be tagged has me in it too...
(It's wooden, I made it with my own hands and I still have all my fingers intact n_n)
I wanna play that game!
One of my favorite cousins just opened a facebook profile and this was one of her first uploads n_n
She's the coolest girl. So smart and funny, I love her.
The good thing is, people who are enjoying themselves doing something that a lot of people find embarrassing/lame don't even care that you may feel embarrassed for them =)