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  1. Morphine

    Where are you from again?

    About 30 or 40 mins away. Very close. Chapala's lake surroundings are filled with American and Canadian retired people that dress festively all year long, I love them n_n
  2. Morphine

    Minor victory thread

    Yes, my mistake, liters are a unit of capacity, I know that, I was just referring to the fact that down here everything is weighed and measured only with grs. Kgs. and liters. not "pints" or "bushels" and of course not "ounces" or "pounds" because we don't use that system. So because we've grown...
  3. Morphine

    Minor victory thread

    The exact opposite happens when you've lived with everything around you being weighed in grs. Kgs. and liters. I have no idea how much is "a bushel of corn" but I have a pretty good idea of how many cherry tomatoes or strawberries make a Kg. and how much honey makes half a liter.
  4. Morphine

    Where are you from again?

    Guadalajara, México. Second biggest city in Mexico after Mexico city and we haven't got any "golden brooms" from Spain. (ROFL) It's nice, quite green... tourists seem to like it.
  5. Morphine

    I want a negative number reputation.

    Turns out now "I'm too nice" Have you people forgotten I poured vinegar into my mascara?!?!
  6. Morphine

    I want a negative number reputation.

    Envy me, Chaz. Talking about my back injury earned me the -3. See it and weep.
  7. Morphine

    Is this a universal problem for women?

    I don't like pudding =/
  8. Morphine

    Minor victory thread

    Everything has been going wrong over the past few days, stress at work, ugly fights with the ex, tension at home, and my injury last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. But... there was one thing that did make me smile. I won 2nd place in a photography contest. The theme was...
  9. Morphine

    Rant VI: Now Drama Free

    I was feeding Garrafa yesterday and when I was standing up I did a weird and sudden movement that didn't let me move anymore, my lower back is f u c k i n g killing me ; _ ; I can't even walk, and I had to get a shot. Damn needles. ; _ ;
  10. Morphine

    Is this a universal problem for women?

    I think I'm a man =/ I almost never know when someone's flirting with me until they spell it out for me or unless they're really really obvious about it. I don't think feeling flirted at is annoying, but when one specifical guy is too persistent with it even when you've tried numerous subtle...
  11. Morphine

    The Random Crap Thread

    No, but everytime you exited the scene you went into the ocean and came back up dry. HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!
  12. Morphine

    Border Patrol Agent Kills 15 year old Boy

    I just saw the unedited video and no, I don't think that killing was justified AT ALL.
  13. Morphine

    The Random Crap Thread

    I had one of those extremely weird and random dreams last night and Silver Jelly and Tegid were in it. Cuckoo!:durr:
  14. Morphine

    It's hot!

    My city (Guadalajara) is VERY hot right now, I don't remember other summers to be this hot and the day before yesterday we had for the first time ever a really bad contingency, pollution is getting worse and worse by the hour, it makes me quite sad.
  15. Morphine

    Border Patrol Agent Kills 15 year old Boy

    I don't think this necessarily means either one of the 2 first options on the poll. He wasn't really "surrounded" and this doesn't necessarily mean "xenophobic and racist conduct", it is pretty much just abuse of power and that happens all the time and doesn't mean it has something -or...
  16. Morphine

    Minor victory thread

    My lil' brother is the best thing on earth. He was just passing by, minding his own business, I closed my eyes tired, rested my head on his skinny self and just said "you do understand me, don't you?" He stroke my hair gently and said: -"Only when you talk in your sleep"
  17. Morphine

    The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

    Now I'm sad =(
  18. Morphine

    Is it me...

    Bumble: be aware that the next time I have to dare you, I'll ask you to draw me n_n
  19. Morphine

    Is it me...

  20. Morphine

    Truth or Dare

    WTF?! haaaa!! :rofl: I don't want to do it in still pictures it's gonna be really lame, I hope I find a way to do a video!, I should've said truth u_u