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  1. HoboNinja

    Had My First Cigarette In 12 Years Today:

    Well here it is illegal to smoke on any school property in the whole state so we can't smoke on campus but the sidewalk right after campus there are tons of people and at the bars everyone is always smoking out back or on the smoking patios. Edit: It's also to smoke inside any building except...
  2. HoboNinja

    Had My First Cigarette In 12 Years Today:

    Yeah pretty much the opposite here now. I remember being a kid and it being alright to smoke, everyone smoked. It was actually kind of cool. But now everyone looks down on you like you are some kind of homeless pauper with leprosy and aids. Granted I just moved to college is it's better because...
  3. HoboNinja

    Hostage Situation at Discovery Channel Headquarters, MOAR SHARK WEEK

    Been following Police standoff going on right outside my office! : pics NOOOO, a gunman is holding someone hostage at the Discovery Channel Headquarters! : Since I got out of class at 2. Crazy shit. I am glad the hostages got out alright. Edit: Ah I was going to post his MySpace...
  4. HoboNinja

    Sometimes I support 4chan

    I don't know if it was 4chan alone but they at least helped track down a douche that was beating a bunch of cats, like swinging them against walls and stuff about 1 1/2 years ago. Edit: Kenny Glenn The Animal Abuser - Encyclopedia Dramatica
  5. HoboNinja

    School Assignment: Plot Terrorist Attack

    I really see nothing wrong with this, it's promoting critical thinking and it is putting you in the mindset of terrorist extremists so you can try to learn how they think and how they are motivated. This is the type of controversial radical shit that actually teaches kids, instead of you know...
  6. HoboNinja

    Anyone have experience with LaTeX?

    I downloaded LyX, going to screw around with it for a bit before I go trying to format my own stuff. Apparently sometime next week they will email us the template for the labs.
  7. HoboNinja

    Anyone have experience with LaTeX?

    So we are using LaTeX for my physics course and I can use it for my EE course as well. But I don't know how to use it at all, I assume we are going to go over it sometime before the first lab writeup for physics but I am not sure, I wanted to get my EE lab writeup done in it today or tomorrow so...
  8. HoboNinja

    Pandas. WTF?

    How can you not fucking love Pandas? They are cute and cuddly and amazing. Fuck yeah I don't care if we have to make them breed, they are friggin awesome.
  9. HoboNinja

    What's for lunch?

    Jungle Curry with Chicken, and sticky rice. From this thai restaurant around the corner from my dorm.
  10. HoboNinja

    Tila Tequila vs. The Juggalos

    I saw people from my high school talking on Facebook about going to "The Gathering"... I would not be sad if a bomb was dropped on the place with them there. I am ashamed to admit that I listened to ICP back in 6th or 7th grade. My grandpa gave me so much shit for it and said how horrible they...
  11. HoboNinja

    Fun with go carts...

    The phrase I like to describe it is "Old enough to drive, old enough to ride" :p Only works in certain states, Iowa is one of those states though were the age of consent is 16.
  12. HoboNinja

    I Know This Is Going To Sound Shady....

    A good nanny would probably be more like $500-1000... per week. Child care ain't cheap.
  13. HoboNinja


    Cheese dip/sauce is usually what it means here.
  14. HoboNinja

    Couples Dynamics

    This version is easier to read imo.
  15. HoboNinja

    If you could time travel who would you visit?

    Ok so a comment on another forum about wishing they could have met Carl Sagan got me thinking, if you could time travel, what deceased people would you visit? Carl Sagan Albert Einstein Douglas Adams J.R.R. Tolkien Edwin Hubble Isaac Asimov George Washington Abe Lincoln Richard Feynman Niels...
  16. HoboNinja Nominate Your Teacher Contest

    I love history, just not american history :p It could be that everything has been retaught over and over again since kindergarten so it's just boring now. But yeah my western civ class in college was awesome.
  17. HoboNinja

    Games on SALE!

    I may have to buy that game, the name alone makes it very awesome sounding and the trailer makes it look pretty damn cool.
  18. HoboNinja

    Churchill Vs the UFO's

    It was probably the Doctor. He has worked with Churchill before.
  19. HoboNinja Nominate Your Teacher Contest - Nominate Your Teacher. Sponsored by AMD. Okie doke so Newegg is running a contest for to nominate your favorite K-12 teacher to win this contest, the school wins $25,000 worth of computers and the teacher gets a $2,500 newegg gift card. Here is my entry, I am a bad writer but...