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  1. HoboNinja

    Am I screwed? (Graduate School Question)

    Ok so the past 2 1/2 years I have just been dicking around at my community college getting my Associates of Arts. Just the gen ed shit out of the way, I thought this was a good idea because it would save me money rather than going to a major university for these classes. I am transferring to...
  2. HoboNinja

    Brazelton's Last Minute Jobs of '09! (Brittany Murphy, "Olivia" From Sesame Street)

    Brazelton Getting Last-Minute Work Done For The Year (Brittany Murphy Dead at 32) While sure it could be drugs or an eating disorder, it could also have been a heart problem that was never found at a doctor visit before.
  3. HoboNinja

    What Grades Did You Get?

    Philosophy: C Western Civ 2: C Psychology: A Programming in Alice(EZ MODE): A I should have done better in Western Civ, History has always been a strong point of mine but I was lazy on both the midterm and the final and didn't write anywhere near the required length for the essay questions.
  4. HoboNinja

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

  5. HoboNinja

    Lady Gaga is amazing.

    Umm no. Pearl Jam is the shit and the whole soundtrack to Into the Wild is amazing.
  6. HoboNinja

    Websites to sell textbooks?

    They are all books that are no longer used in the classes here Dave, that's why they won't buy them back. Some are just older editions which would still work but yeah no message boards, they are a shitty community college who just finally got emails and a web interface for grades this year. I...
  7. HoboNinja

    Websites to sell textbooks?

    So it's the end of the term and I want to sell some of my old books that the school wouldn't buy back but googling "sell college books" or "sell textbooks" shows some less than legit looking sites. So anyone know any good sites for it?
  8. HoboNinja

    Your advisement if we discovered a less advanced Alien Culture?

    The fact that he is bigoted doesn't change the fact that he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of the last century. I agree with the quote about Ender. If it comes down to us or them, which is unlikely sure, but still I will choose us.
  9. HoboNinja

    How to make Poutine properly

    So without a good southern gravy up in Canuckistan I am guessing you guys are missing out on the wonderfulness of Biscuits and Gravy which is like one of the most delicious things to have for breakfast.
  10. HoboNinja


    Fricken Baader Meinhof phenomenon here. I had never heard about Trader Joe's until like 3 days ago on Reddit and have seen it all over the internet the last couple days and even heard a commercial on the radio for it...
  11. HoboNinja

    How to make Poutine properly

    Fuck Denny's. The best drunk food is at a little place called Ross' in downtown Bettendorf, Iowa. It is the magic mountain! "For the uninitiated, Ross' basic Magic Mountain, which was created by Cynthia's husband Ron Friedhof, starts off with grilled Texas toast covered with Ross' special...
  12. HoboNinja

    Bump this thread every time you read a creepy post

    Wait what the hell? Why am I tagged in this thread? :p
  13. HoboNinja

    Update: I'm no longer unemployed

    Awesome dude, congratulations!
  14. HoboNinja


    Nah I have rules now for that sort of thing. I won't attempt to date(and fail) anyone that wasn't at least a freshman in high school when I was a senior.
  15. HoboNinja


    You know... Omaha isn't a very long drive from Davenport. Just fucking with you. :p
  16. HoboNinja

    Internet Acronyms for Chatting

    For me it is more the 160 character limit in a SMS message. I will type out everything properly and if it won't fit I will go back and change something to an abbreviated version or an acronym.
  17. HoboNinja

    Cyber Monday

    Im too damn broke to buy anything :( I have $10 to last me till Friday and I just bought Mirrors Edge on Steam because I couldn't pass it up for $5 O.o I wish I would have had enough for some of the other awesome deals they had :(
  18. HoboNinja

    Free E-Books & Audiobooks?

    So I know about project Gutenberg but does anyone know any good sites for free public domain e-books and/or audiobooks?