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  1. Reverent-one

    Games on SALE!

    Oh, these have been on my list to buy for some time, and this is the sort of deal I'd want for them. Time to further enhance the backlog of games I have to play. EDIT: ...Nope! I am behind the times and missed that one. Oh well, next time Myst games, next time.
  2. Reverent-one

    [PC Game] Civilization V: Let's Conquer the World

    Oh, and my Steam name is Mornhir if I could get one of those fancy halforums group invites.
  3. Reverent-one

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    That is understandable, reasonable people can disagree while being mature... Awww. :(
  4. Reverent-one

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    And yet Penny becoming more like them is treated as a good thing. They make jokes based on the foibles of the different characters, but they do so for nearly all of the characters, nerd and non-nerd alike (see jokes made about Penny or pretty much any of Penny's boyfriends), there's simply a...
  5. Reverent-one

    The EPIC WIN Thread 3: SON OF EPIC

    Hey, when your language is built on mugging other languages in dark alleys and taking whatever they have in their pockets, you can't afford to be too picky.
  6. Reverent-one

    [PC Game] Civilization V: Let's Conquer the World

    I'm interested. Bought Civ 5 some time ago and haven't gotten around to trying it yet. Playing a game with real people would be a good excuse to do so. Admittedly, I don't know how well a regular multi-hour sessions would work for me if the idea is to go that route, but I can certainly...
  7. Reverent-one

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Assuming that this plan works (which if the game is set as much as it sounds like it is, seems reasonable), I don't have any problems, much less think it's any sort of disaster. A bigger, better game for no additional cost other than time? Sure, I'll take it.
  8. Reverent-one

    I don't think PA's Gabe is a Transphobic Bigot.

    I love how any example of someone not being bigoted towards X automatically becomes proof of them being bigoted, since obviously only bigots would have any of those.
  9. Reverent-one

    I don't think PA's Gabe is a Transphobic Bigot.

    Yes, you did. What he said was he thought all woman had vaginas. Then: Sounds like ignorance and repeating the generalized facts about gender we learn as kids to me. Especially since he said he apologized for his comment when he realized this.
  10. Reverent-one

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    I assume SpecialKO was referring to console exclusivity, which won't mean much for primarily PC gamers that get consoles just for that games that don't come out on PC, but would be important for gamers who primarily play console games.
  11. Reverent-one

    Xbox one

    Like Dave said, Steam doesn't sell you a physical object and then place a bunch of restrictions on what you can do with it. Notice that the complaints generally aren't about these restrictions on digital downloads.
  12. Reverent-one

    Xbox one

    No, they said that publishers will have the abilty to allow you to resell your games, but they make no guarantee the publisher will choose to do so. Moreover, for games sold between friends, they limit the max number of times you can do it.
  13. Reverent-one

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    Smith wasn't bad, but I won't feel bad to give someone else a shot at the role. After Eccelston and Tennant, Smith didn't really bring anything new to the role, he had the manic hyperactive doctor bit down, but beyond that...? Eh. 11 at times seemed too immature to be the Time Lord he was. I...
  14. Reverent-one

    What are you playing?

    The Walking Dead A couple episodes in so far, and it's solid. I can tell I'm going to regret it not having any ability to skip forward/speed things up for replays though. Which is a shame, since I'd like to run through it multiple times and see how the choices change things, but given that the...
  15. Reverent-one

    [Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

    It isn't first person like it would really be from a program's perceptive, but the light cycle game in Tron 2.0 didn't give you the full top down view either, so you do have to be careful in case some other program comes barreling around the corner and surprises you.
  16. Reverent-one

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    *Shrugs* For a lot of them, that works, but like I said, the Dalek's endgame has been the destruction of reality before, so they're just kinda there IMO. Personally I'm more go with the flow about inconsistencies in physics or laws of time and such than in more tangible things like...
  17. Reverent-one

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    The thing about Angels/Stone is that other than the very basics of the race, it radically changes the Angels, both with a bunch of retconned in abilties (some of which, like the image of an angel becomes an angel, could well have serious implications for the protaganists of Blink) and modus...
  18. Reverent-one

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    Man, so much I can't agree with, especially on the fifth season, which is probably the single weakest one of the new series for me. I mean, Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone (where Moffat goes "let's use this one cool species and forget basically everything about them") being better than Blink...
  19. Reverent-one

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Haven't had many older family members have issues with technology, have you? Lucky. ;) Seriously, not a bad point, though I'd disagree that it's really a difference between people of different age groups. When people didn't do so in the past, I think it wasn't because they wouldn't have...