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  1. Vagabond

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Well you'll all be glad to know all I got after stranding outside for hours was a headache. I only tolerate the day because I'm miserly as shit, and if I can't buy gifts for dirt cheap, nobody gets anything. BAHUMBUG.
  2. Vagabond

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Whelp that's enough enjoying my post football/alcohol/food haze. Time to stand outside like an idiot to hopefully get my hands on cheap product for the undeserving jerks in my life. 'Tis the season.
  3. Vagabond

    [Music] The Mix Thread

    That Indie as FUCK mix is hella tight. I'd throw in some Neutral Milk Hotel just to be extra pretentious legit.
  4. Vagabond

    Trade Station

    I've got an upconverting DVD player, gifted to me before the great HDDVD/Blu-Ray battle of yesteryear, that I can't even give away. Has a remote and everything. it can be yours for three low,easy payments of free ninety nine.
  5. Vagabond

    What's your gender?

    It doesn't really make a difference when the lights are out. Right, Krisken?
  6. Vagabond

    [Rant] This Work Week

    I was only scheduled to work monday and saturday next week. I'll be working everyday but sunday and thursday, now. Disregard down time, acquire pittance. Could be worse I guess. At least it's not retail.
  7. Vagabond

    [TV] Community

    This will definitely become the darkest timeline if Whitney continues much longer. The Office could use a breather as well.
  8. Vagabond

    [Question] Information on the Avatar

  9. Vagabond

    MS Paint Adventures

    Yeah, Lord English is appropriately threatening. [/COLOR]
  10. Vagabond

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    There's a bunch of places selling it for less then that. With some of those retailers, I'm not sure how much of that money is going into Joe Hisaishi's pocket, though.
  11. Vagabond

    MS Paint Adventures

    Ah man not the exiles. :(
  12. Vagabond

    The Skrillex Thread

  13. Vagabond

    This is why I hate Apple culture

    I hate it for the people that keep reminding me they hate it. It's why I like it. Also, hate it.
  14. Vagabond

    Early Christmas List

    Snow, tons of it.
  15. Vagabond

    Its funny but also kind of not and I feel bad.

    Damn texans taking jobs from decent, hard-working Americans.
  16. Vagabond

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan. is/was having a Zombie day sale. A zombie day sale.
  17. Vagabond

    Peanut Butter prices to skyrocket?

    I blame Mr. Peanut. He is clearly part of the 1%.
  18. Vagabond

    Dr Pepper for NOT WOMEN

    Only 10 calories? It's definitely not for Americans then.