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  1. twitchmoss

    [Webcomic] Let's Talk Gunnerkrigg Court

    I know what Jones is. ... She's not a robot.
  2. twitchmoss

    [Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree

    damn, kellet. that strip hit me right there :(
  3. twitchmoss

    [Movies] Ant-Man

    marvel adventures ant-man on the other hand, is awesome. He's got ... hiiiigh hopes!
  4. twitchmoss

    [Webcomic] Webcomic Appreciation Jamboree

    "get behind me satan! with a bucket of water!"
  5. twitchmoss

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    I uh... I'm gonna need a minute here, I think. Holy shit. :(
  6. twitchmoss

    [Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

    Went to this last night and it was awesome. There was a singalong (with lyrics on screen) to the theme song, and they even had small prizes for the lunatics who arrived in costume "you win... a copy of The Wiz!" and as it should be, BRIAN BLESSED got the loudest cheers. 'squadron 40...
  7. twitchmoss

    TGWTG 3rd Year Anniversary!

    well, the nostalgia critic made a cameo in the new Nchick video. as a puppet. it suits him, weirdly enough.
  8. twitchmoss

    TGWTG 3rd Year Anniversary!

    i was genuinely surprised with the ending, and especially the annoucement that he's retiring the character. and for much the same reasons that i found him less enjoyable than other reviewers on the site. "theres only so many times i can scream and shout at a movie". so good for him, for deciding...
  9. twitchmoss

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    favourite line of the episode? Matt smiths enthusiasm definitely helped carry the episode. I've felt before that he can carry a slightly less well-written script far better than tennant could, and I *like* tennant. I watched this episode twice last night (got to re-watch it with my dad...
  10. twitchmoss

    [TV] Funny Sketches

    *cracks knuckles* lets get the obvious out of the way, shall we? right. thats enough for now. carry on.
  11. twitchmoss

    [Rant] Villains whom you always wanted to win.

    every. damn. time. also this guy.
  12. twitchmoss

    [TV] The Doctor Who Thread

    that was pretty awesome.
  13. twitchmoss

    Official Goblins (comic) Thread

    oh.. oh shit. that's a mister fingers appendage, isn't it.
  14. twitchmoss

    Guild Wars 2 : Anticipation Station

    Finally got it today :D i'm on aurora glade, Asuran engineer, name of Jahm Sundwich. its pretty fun so far!
  15. twitchmoss

    [Brazelton] One tear, two tears! Ah,ha,ha!

    lew zealand?! floyd pepper? noooo! :(
  16. twitchmoss

    [Movies] Mulholland Drive

  17. twitchmoss

    Family-friendly webcomics?

    scary go round, and its sucessor bad machinery. though I've heard that the humour is a little weird if you're not from the UK. I still highly recommend it, and John Allison has been doing the webcomic thing all the way since 1998.
  18. twitchmoss

    moss' art stuff thread!

    i seem to be on something of a roll :D
  19. twitchmoss

    moss' art stuff thread!

  20. twitchmoss

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    you put the zorro in the coconut and drink them both up you put the zorro in the coconut and call me in the moorning