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  1. Baerdog

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    Oh man that is the worst thing. It just puts you in a bad mood for the rest of your morning ritual doesn't it?
  2. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  3. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  4. Baerdog

    Babylon 5 has ruined TV for me, and Cracked knows it...

    I think B5 is the only show I've seen that actually DID have a plan for its entire run. And it was excellent. I was surprised about 24 not having more of a plan for its seasons though. To me it seems like the show would have lent itself to at least an outline of how they wanted things to go.
  5. Baerdog

    Pet Peeve rants.

    Pet peeve relative to this week: group presentation partners that are IMPOSSIBLE to set a meeting with. I've been asking you since Sunday if you are available to meet on Thursday to go over our project (due Monday) before I leave town for the weekend. Just give me a damn answer!
  6. Baerdog

    Foods that go together... but why

    Don't they have pills for lactose intolerance?
  7. Baerdog

    Foods that go together... but why

    Fuckin' delicious, man.
  8. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  9. Baerdog

    Are we friends, or just internet friends?

    You're supposed to wear a mask that the guard can give to his son.
  10. Baerdog

    [PFRPG] Inkantations: A Sourcebook for Tattoo Magic & Body Art

    Huh, sounds interesting. I don't remember tattoos and stuff being covered much in DnD so it's neat to see it in a different game system.
  11. Baerdog

    You Know You're Addicted To Minecraft When

  12. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  13. Baerdog

    [PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

    Hopefully. Mine was going to the Czech Republic after all.
  14. Baerdog


    This is the one show I'm missing the most while I'm overseas without Hulu. I've gotta start hitting the torrents...
  15. Baerdog

    [PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

    I got my Minecraft shirt from Woot! yesterday. Now I am wearing it and things are good.
  16. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  17. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  18. Baerdog

    Super Say Something About the Previous Poster XI HD Remix: Still featuring a title of extreme length

    ^ Is confusing me as to whether I should read his posts in Wakko's or Freakazoid's voice.
  19. Baerdog

    not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

    Did you get one of makare's strapping young highway patrolmen to help you?