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  1. ElJuski

    [Movies] Avengers

  2. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I mean, at the end of the day, you don't deserve to be socially shamed for doing it. I understand I'm being out of shape when I say I'm annoyed at an established social-construct. But yes, NIN is a band as much as The Shins are a band. There's a specific way that the musician(s) is (are)...
  3. ElJuski

    [Movies] Avengers

  4. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Who do you talk to that says this? There's a clear difference between an artist and a band, even if, yes, they all have band members playing along with them.
  5. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Gotye is a dude.
  6. ElJuski

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    that thing is fucking huge. Wish I didn't go see it when all the crowds were there. OH WELL I LIVE HERE AHAHA
  7. ElJuski

    Interviews. Juicy-views? Inter-juice? Interslice? Whatever.

    well, duhhh. Awesome, people dig it. Now just to figure out the mechanics and get going on this piece.
  8. ElJuski

    [Question] Let's play tourist! Going to DC.

    as long as they're open! Don't know when Ben's starts up, but definitely try to avoid the lunch-time rush. The line will be out the door and around the block.
  9. ElJuski

    Bring out Gifs!

    I love that otter.
  10. ElJuski

    [Movies] Confess your movie sins to me, and be absolved

    for the record, the finale was awful.
  11. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    The relevant part is @0:40 I am going to punch OC in the face for saying a goddamn thing about New York pizza.
  12. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I'm just saying, for someone, like me, who has a job where proper written communication is fundamental to success, I find it surprising that you don't take more stock into it. Here's some random crap: bought my train ticket back to chi-city in August for my nerdy buddy's bachelor party /...
  13. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    See, you're being sarcastic, but that sentence makes no sense unless you take the extra couple seconds to make it grammatically correct.
  14. ElJuski

    [Movies] Confess your movie sins to me, and be absolved

    but again, we're not talking about whether you liked the show or not, but rather, the fact that it is a television show that has a reputation for being a very innovative and critically acclaimed television show, which, particularly, transcends its place and time.
  15. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I think what she means is: If you mispronounce it, and put the emphasis on the wrong syllable, "onigiri" becomes a highly offensive word.
  16. ElJuski

    New Picture Thread

    If y'all want, I could try and make some babies for you guys. They'd probably be asshole kids, though, straight up.
  17. ElJuski

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    seriously, the lack of grammar in that sentence has me so confused.
  18. ElJuski

    MPDG heavily hitting on me

    You're only saying that because your brain is addled from mainlining vicodin for the last few weeks