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  1. Just Me

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    This, so much this!
  2. Just Me

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    My gf has 3 cousins with their birthdays all in the same week (different years of course), nicely 9 months after their dad's birthday. Whenever I remember this fact all that springs to my mind is Monty Python' "Every sperm is sacred" (yep, her uncle and aunt are pretty religious catholics).
  3. Just Me


    Can we please get an Extra EE without the warg rider attack but still with all the Theodred scenes in, I love that funeral bit!
  4. Just Me

    You Might be Wrong

    Dang, I just dropped by to post like that. Well, I'll do it anyway :)
  5. Just Me

    xkcd makes me sad

    I still laugh everytime I remember that little "For scale - For Gondor" in that one: Some of them are a bit too over my head (cost of pennies comes to mind, too much numbers to get anything out of it (at least for someone as numerically...
  6. Just Me

    xkcd makes me sad

    Oh so true!
  7. Just Me

    Kittycats... D'aaaawww!

    So please go to and vote for Purrfect Pals, WA just like I started doing (rom my own PC and at the office even). They're 3rd right now and gaining slowly onto Nr. 2
  8. Just Me

    Kittycats... D'aaaawww!

    Whatever this is, I guess I want one too. Also, I started voting for the shelter, aka they hooked me in. Didn't see this at first because I only watched kittehs before I started to look around at the site.
  9. Just Me

    Kittycats... D'aaaawww!

    Right now it's pretty sleepy. Admittedly with cats that's about 80% of the time. But gf just showed me (aka the technical idiot) that the stream also has some back time recording. She of course already knows all the little fuzzballs by their name where I have to scroll down the page whenever I...
  10. Just Me

    Kittycats... D'aaaawww!

    My gf sent me this adorable timewaster, already watched for 25 minutes...
  11. Just Me

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    Woody: "I put on my robe and wizard hat..."
  12. Just Me


    An aquaintance of mine is on the Fili fangirl trip and posted a lot of fanart done with Uncle Thorin playing with his little beardless baby nephews or just the 2 baby dwarves as babies/toddlers...
  13. Just Me

    The Wedding Challenge

    Good luck with all your plans, whatever you decide on! In the worst case, go with the +1 option, invite LittleKagsin and go to the wedding with Alice or Poison Ivy at your side. May the Force be with you! For Gondor! etc. *brofist*
  14. Just Me

    [Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

    More Bruce for this thread.
  15. Just Me

    Moving in with the girlfriend

    Good luck to you. 3 years ago, after an already 7 year weekend relationship, the girlfriend and just me moved together. I was anxious and angsty, the first time I'd share a place with someone. But it worked out fine. Probably helped that she's a gamer as well and we have our separate rooms for...
  16. Just Me

    [MMO] The Secret World goes f2p, and it's good!

    Way to go with MMOs then :)
  17. Just Me

    [MMO] The Secret World goes f2p, and it's good!

    This may be so, but the dragon is to be prepared for all occasions. As long as they require bikinis. Or Hotpants.
  18. Just Me

    [MMO] The Secret World goes f2p, and it's good!

    I totally know how you feel, left about 250k of PAX there in one go...
  19. Just Me

    New Picture Thread

    I read it as "sushi says meow" while the picture loaded (just got out of bed...) and checked if I actually was in the NSFW pictures thread... D'awwwwwwwwwww cat though!
  20. Just Me


    When he [Bilbo]peeped out in the lightning-flashes, he saw that across the valley the stone-giants were out and were hurling rocks at one another for a game, and catching them, and tossing them down into the darkness where they smashed among the trees far below, or splintered into little bits...