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  1. Zappit

    Did You Get That Thing I Sent You? - Harvey Birdman Returns!

    Harvey Birdman will be returning in a half-hour special as the Attorney General for President Phil Sebben. Hell. Yes.
  2. Zappit

    Random Comic Book Crap

    Gonna vent just a lil' bit. With IDW rebooting Transformers soon, I've been trying to get trade paperbacks of the better series, and it's been a pain in the ass. More Than Meets the Eye (best TF series ever, by the way) Volume 2 is impossible to find at retail price. Best I can figure is it's...
  3. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 484

  4. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 483

  5. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 482

  6. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 481

  7. Zappit

    [Important] What the hell just happened?!?

    I shall reload those lost strips later. They will return.
  8. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    It's almost like massive tax cuts were a bad idea.
  9. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 459

  10. Zappit

    [Comics] What Comics are you Currently Reading Thread

    I'm starting to really get sick of IDW's Transformers books. Ever since IDW decided to combine all their licenses into a shared universe, it's just...sucked. GIJoe made sense, and there's the historical precedent for the crossover, but they're cramming in MASK, Visionaries, ROM, and whatever...
  11. Zappit

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    I can tell you right now, that rule won't keep feces off the ceiling. Nothing seems to be able to keep feces off a public bathroom ceiling...
  12. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 458

  13. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Didn't work for Roy Moore. Thank God.
  14. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    There's a literal, actual Nazi going to run on the GOP ticket in Illinois. He's going to get the nomination. He's running unopposed, but wouldn't you think that the Republicans in that state would put someone - ANYONE - up against him just to say they're, you know, NOT the party of Nazis...
  15. Zappit

    [NFL] NFL Thread

    At this point, people have GOT to stop whining the refs help the Pats. There was none of that tonight, and that first disputed Philly TD really didn't look like a legit TD. Like at all. No control until a foot goes out of bounds? Sure. TD! I'm honestly not that bitter about this game. I've seen...
  16. Zappit

    [NFL] NFL Thread

    Jesus. Hope Cooks is okay. Knocked out cold.
  17. Zappit

    Supervillainous Supervillainous 457

  18. Zappit

    Aurora's medical stuff

    How did I miss this thread!?! Congratulations! What a beautiful baby!
  19. Zappit

    [NFL] NFL Thread

    What do you think his odds would be to win? NO CHANCE!