No way. The contest was designed to favor the deadpool. He's the only contestant in the banner. His costume is first on the list. He's the most popular character in the finals.
Honestly, I'd be more surprised if he didn't win.
Fade, do you remember that big brouhaha with DC back in July about how they don't seem to have too many female writers or artists on staff, and the DC response was "We hire based on quality, not on gender"?
I don't see how anyone could hire Liefield and then say that with a straight face.
Trolls, talking cats, Santa, superheroes, ogres, and hipsters are all totally plausible things that can happen in real life.
A dwarf just means that this strip is jumping the shark and going into pure fantasy.
That's better. Now then.
It's my extremely professional opinion that, in light of this recent news, netflix is, and pardon my use of sophisticated business terms here, completely fucked.
stienman, get your logic out of here. I just want to act like I know more about business than a highly successful company that employs dudes who know way more about business than I do.
Either way, Rich doesn't have a buffer. Since he doesn't have a set schedule, having a buffer would just be silly.
He might work on scripts while down for the count, but don't know for sure.